some brief comments on this week's Heroes

Oct 03, 2007 23:25

Who would have thought, but Mr. Muggles is actually growing on me.

Mohinder is much cooler when he works with competent people. I didn't suspect that he faked the amnesia at first, which made it even better. I guess his history of not being all that clever works in favor of his undercover work now. What I didn't really understand is the connection between the Haitian and the artwork. I mean iirc it seemed that Mr. Bennet implied that the Haitian helped getting the other paintings or something? (And do you think he's going to get a name now that he works at Copy Kingdom? Well, I suspect Mr. Haitian is always an option...)

Also I want to smack Peter: he has a score of powers and he can still use at least some of his superpowers consciously, so I can't believe he couldn't just take the stupid box from the Irish cliché thugs.

I'm still undecided about the Japan storyline. I like Hiro, but I couldn't believe the woman wouldn't notice that he switched with the English guy. Surely their voices and accents are different enough for her to notice, what with Hiro being a 21th century native Japanese speaker trying to pass in 17th century Japan and English guy being a non-native speaker of 17th century Japanese. I'll accept some hand-waving like that the locals might just assume either of them is from some other province with an odd dialect or something, but not that their speech is odd in the same ways on top of that.

As an aside, how sharp are Clair's scissors anyway, that they cut off a toe fairly easily? I still remember from Christmases as a kid the spectacle of someone trying to cut through a goose bone with regular kitchen scissor rather than a special one designed to disassemble bird carcasses, which my parents only owned later on, and it never ended well -- insert slapstick scenes of a dead goose sliding over the table as the scissors don't cut the bone but push the bird as the bone is squeezed out between the blades -- and I think human bones are harder a goose's.

heroes, tv, tv: reviews

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