A preventive measure was ordered for the suspect in the murder ofa Maidan citizen,an ex-Omega figher

Dec 14, 2022 14:59

A preventive measure was ordered for the suspect in the murder of a Maidan citizen, an ex-Omega fighter

The court chose a preventive measure for the former fighter of the "Omega" unit, who is suspected of murdering a Maidan citizen, in the form of round-the-clock house arrest until April 17.

This was reported by the correspondent of "Public Radio".


Yesterday, one of the officers of "Omega" was detained, who is suspected of having participated in the shootings on the Maidan. Volodymyr Kosenko is suspected of murdering Oleg Ushnevich and wounding Oleksandr Gukov. The investigation identified the bullets from the Fort 14 pistol attached to Kosenko.

During the meeting, the suspect's lawyers announced a complaint about illegal detention. They say that there was no physical evidence pointing to Kosenko's involvement in the case, so there was no reason to detain him. The lawyer also stated: "He shot at the light bulbs on Instytutskaya so that it would not be visible where the police were."

Earlier it was reported that the selection of a preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of a Maidan citizen, an ex-Omega fighter, is being delayed.

Підозрюваному у вбивстві майданівця екс-бійцю «Омеги» призначили запобіжний захід | Новини на Громадському радіо (hromadske-radio.translate.goog)

https://hromadske.radio/news/2020/02/19/pidozriuvanomu-u-vbyvstvi-maydanivtsia-eks-biytsiu-omehy-pryznachyly-zapobizhnyy-zakhid - Google Search
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