The murder of Oleksandr Khrapachenko in Ukrainian mass medias

Dec 12, 2022 16:05

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"In addition, the prosecutor noted that ballistics experts were able to identify the weapon from which the bullet was fired, and this episode will appear in another criminal case involving shootings on the Maidan."
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:

November 15, 2018

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
The archived Google translation into English:
"The pre-trial investigation by involving experts, by conducting forensic and ballistic examinations established that Oleksandr Khrapachenko was killed with a weapon attached to a sniper of the Omega special unit, he is one of the best snipers in Ukraine. Until the moment of his arrest, he participated in international sniping competitions and won prizes there," the lawyer said."
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:


The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"According to the lawyer, the sniper killed Khrapachenko from Maidan with a shot from the club building of the Cabinet of Ministers. And the sniper rifle from which they fired remained in the possession of the National Guard. The weapon was seized for examination and several investigative experiments have already been conducted.
"An expert from the Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Science has clearly stated that the bullet was fired from a sniper rifle attached to an Omega special forces soldier stationed at the top of Institutska Street on February 20, 2014, in particular in the Cabinet building. .
It will be recalled that on November 15, it became known about the detention and arrest of a sniper who shot at Maidan activists in 2014. The sniper fired from his TS.M30 sniper rifle, equipped with an optical sight, at Maidan activist and theater director Oleksandr Khrapachenko."
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
The archived Google translation into English:

"The bullet that killed Oleksandr Khrapachenko had a particularly destructive nature, it disintegrated (exploded - ed) in the victim's body, and because of this it was very difficult to conduct a ballistics examination and identify from which weapon this bullet was fired. But finally in 2018 , 4 years after these tragic events, the expert of the Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations clearly indicated that this bullet was fired from a sniper rifle attached to a soldier of the Omega special unit, who was stationed on February 20, 2014 at the top of Instytutska Street, in particular, at the building of the Cabinet of Ministers," Galabala said.
In addition, according to him, the investigators managed to carry out experimental actions with the sniper rifle, which was used to kill Hrapachenko.
"The weapon was not destroyed, it remained in the possession of this law enforcement agency even after the release of the suspect from the ranks of the National Guard. The investigators managed to recover it, several experimental shots were fired with it, then these bullets were compared with the bullet recovered from the body of Oleksandr Khrapachenko and it was it has been reliably established that this bullet was fired from this weapon, which was issued to an ex-Omega fighter," the lawyer emphasized."
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"- The bullet with which Alexander Khrapachenko was killed had a special destructive character, it exploded in the body of the victim. And because of this, it was very difficult to conduct a ballistic examination and identify which weapon the bullet was fired from. But finally, in 2018, an expert from the Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Science clearly stated that the bullet was fired from a sniper rifle attached to an Omega special forces soldier stationed on February 20, 2014 at the top of Institutska Street, including the Cabinet building. - says the lawyer of the families of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred Markian Galabala. - The weapon was not destroyed, it remained in the possession of this law enforcement body even after the release of the suspect from the ranks of the National Guard."
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"For example, the experimental bullet fired from the sniper rifle of Dmytro Hrapachenko, then a special unit of "Omega", is completely identical to the bullet removed from the body of the Hero of the Heavenly Hundred."
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"According to the investigation, the experimental bullet fired from the sniper rifle of Dmitry Khmil, then a special forces unit "Omega", is completely identical to the bullet removed from the body of the Hero of the Heavenly Hundred."

5 червня, 2019
The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"Despite the lack of evidence, the investigation of Khrapachenko's murder was finally revealed by the investigation, the lawyer of the victims Markiyan Galabala is convinced. Last November, police detained Dmytro Khmil, a former internal affairs sniper. Experts have proved that the bullet removed from Khrapachenko's body was fired from the fighter's rifle. He is currently under arrest and under investigation."
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:

June 5, 2019

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:

The archived Google translation into English:
"The conclusions of the ballistics examinations connect the bullet and the rifle from which the shot was fired," says the prosecutor. "The shell casing of the bullet that was removed from the body of the murdered Hrapachenko was fired from a sniper rifle that was attached to the suspect Dmytro Khmel. In the record book of the issue of weapons on 15.02. 2014 it is recorded that he received this weapon to perform tasks. And he surrendered this weapon, according to the records, on 02/21/2014. And this is only 10% of all the evidence. There are also reviews of the scene of events, reviews of video footage, where it is recorded that Khmil was in in this place, with this weapon."
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:

"According to the conclusions of the ballistics examinations conducted during the investigation, it was established that the bullet that was removed from the body of the murdered Khrapachenko was fired from a sniper rifle assigned to the suspect Khmil. It was established that this sniper complex was assigned to D. Khmil since 2013. In the accounting book for issuing weapons - on 02/15/2014 it is recorded that he received this weapon for the performance of tasks. And he handed over this weapon, according to the records, on 02/21/2014. This is only 10% of all the evidence, approximately," Zemskov said.
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:

June 5, 2019
The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:"Findings of ballistics examinations connect the bullet and the rifle that was used to shoot. The shell of the bullet that was removed from the body of the murdered Khrapachenko was fired from a sniper rifle that was attached to the suspect Dmytro Khmel. In the record book of issuing weapons on February 15, 2014, it is recorded that he received these weapons for the performance of tasks. And handed over this weapon, according to the records, on February 21, 2014. And this is only 10% of all evidence. There are also inspections of the scene of events, inspections of video recordings, where it is recorded that Khmil was in this place, with this weapon," the prosecutor noted"
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:

5 червня 2019
The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"However, the prosecutor noted that there is more than enough evidence of his guilt in the case, including the fact that the bullet that killed Hrapachenko was fired from Khmil's weapon.
"It has been established that this sniper complex has been secured since 2013 by D. Khmil. In the record book of issuing weapons on February 15, 2014, it is recorded that he received these weapons for the performance of tasks. And handed over this weapon, according to the records, on February 21, 2014. This is only 10% of all the evidence, approximately," prosecutor Zemskov emphasized."
The archived Google translation into English with highlighted excerpt:

05 ЧЕРВНЯ 2019
The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:

05 червня, 2019
The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:

11 ЧЕРВНЯ 2019
The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:

Jun 11, 2019
The original website:

25 ГРУДНЯ 2019
The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
The archived Google translation into English:

December 25, 2019

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:

24 ДЕКАБРЯ 2019
The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
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