Ω Forty Seven - Interspecies Communication

Mar 29, 2011 16:27

[Peylix is sitting with his back straight and is smiling (though it's probably more sheepish than he would have liked, but this is baby's first public broadcast. His wandering about the ship has helped him pick up English.] Hello. I'm Peylix ( Read more... )

bargeplot, braxiatel is not my brother, flood, Ω is not evil

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majorum_pride March 29 2011, 21:16:04 UTC
So Mr. Braxiatel has informed me.

I'm Commander Rhade. I'm a friend of Braxiatel's. He wished to introduce us.


rass_bestie March 29 2011, 21:27:07 UTC
Hello. What are you a commander of, may I ask?


majorum_pride March 29 2011, 21:30:13 UTC
I was the commander of the Andromeda Ascendant, a sentient warship of the High Guard.

You're a Gallifreyan too? This must be an interesting place so far.


rass_bestie March 29 2011, 21:39:25 UTC
Does your ship like their job? My people sometimes capture spacefaring creatures, I don't know if they're sentient, but I tell they're not happy. Their minds are difficult to penetrate and I've only been off world once or twice.

Yes. I've never been a minority before. Species wise. [This is totally exciting, Rhade!]


majorum_pride March 29 2011, 21:49:25 UTC
She does. She's moody, but she enjoys being a warship and she's fond of her command team. [Or she was. She ended up pretty pissed at him, rightfully so.] Mostly her captain.

I'm a minority too. I'm a Nietzschean. There are only two of us on board. One's at about your point of development at the moment. [Time Lord age is hard to gauge.]


rass_bestie March 29 2011, 21:54:50 UTC
You mean they're a child? Do you like it here?


majorum_pride March 29 2011, 22:08:56 UTC
He is.

I like it better at the moment than I usually do. My people enjoy taking care of children.


rass_bestie March 29 2011, 22:18:52 UTC
I used to think so of mine, but now, I think it's just something local to where I grew up. I wasn't expecting a welcome at the Academy, but I was surprised at how even the highest of nobles are treated. Never a kind word when you have several disapproving ones on hand. Do you have family structures or do you claim any child as your own, regardless of lineage?


majorum_pride March 29 2011, 22:25:55 UTC
We have family units, but also larger family units called Prides. A good Pride takes care of all of its children, not just the ones that we parented. [And he generally feels that way for most children. It's a genetic "must care for the baby!" thing.]

That doesn't sound very productive at all. [Rhade disapproves of this.] What are your parents like?


rass_bestie March 29 2011, 22:40:11 UTC
[Peylix nods along with Rhade's definition of a good Pride.] My parents, well, Da tends to project approval at me but that's because he's not terribly wordy, my stepmother orders me to do things and tries to break my ribs. [He smiles, obviously very fond of her, even though she's a nag and hugs the life out of him.]


majorum_pride March 29 2011, 22:52:10 UTC
They sound like good parents, even if your ribs seem to be the worse for the wear.

Do they ever read to you?


rass_bestie March 30 2011, 04:53:53 UTC
Not since I can read to myself.


majorum_pride March 30 2011, 08:16:38 UTC
You should do it more often. Sometimes dedicating one's self to the imagining is entertaining.

Are you occupied playing at the moment? I could read you a book.


rass_bestie March 30 2011, 08:38:44 UTC
Some stories aren't to be written down. [Because arrests are made.] But we're told them at meals. I miss them.

Well, I'm to look after a boy of the name of Eddie, in the kitchen area? But perhaps listening to a story is something he and I can do together.


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