Expired sadness

May 08, 2014 17:04

There are days when you feel like the universe is against you.
When you are painfully left behind. When everything that could go wrong does so at the worst possible time, and every little frustrating detail of your life is only magnified by the stress that comes with the pressure of acads. When you’re so, so tired of worrying and you try but you just can’t find any sunshine left within you - sorry, friends, I just don’t want to be with you right now -
Remember that feelings fade. Expect nothing of the people around you, and appreciate everything. There’s nothing left for you to do but keep on keeping on. Remember that everything will be fine.

There will always, always be people looking out for you. But sometimes you need time alone with yourself, and that’s okay.

Posting because I'm cleaning out my text files.

i'm too emotional

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