This is getting ridiculous

Mar 09, 2014 18:23

You're in my dreams again.

You fell asleep at the foot of my bed and I gave you my blanket.
But there was something different about your hair the last time you slept in my room. I miss that day. I can't seem to remember why you and the others were all hanging out there, though.

You held my hand.
And you claimed it was because you were falling asleep in class again. My efforts to beat you at thumb wrestling were futile. So I held your hand anyway.
Can I keep you awake this way in real life?

This is getting ridiculous.

Snip, snip. Last week I decided I would cut you out of my life properly and decisively - no backward glances, no wanting to hear "good morning sunshine" - but I swear it's so much harder than I thought.

right, platonic in every sense of the word

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