If you leave, I pray you'll miss me.

Apr 18, 2007 22:09

So the girls in the room diagonal from me had someone go up to my roommate to tell her that she doesn't like me and her. So Katie said, "Why, because they're obnoxious?" and the girl who told her looked all nervous and Katie realized that the girl that dislikes us so much was standing right behind her to see Katie's reaction.
Holy kindergarten antics, Batman!
They dislike us because they only like "smart girls". Good. I have a way higher GPA than they can ever hope to attain.

I did something priceless today.
My alarm went off at 5. After a while I realized what was going on, and turned it off. It took me a while though, and I could only imagine how annoyed the neighbors were to be woken up at 5. Katie was up, and I said, "Why am I getting up at 5? I don't have to be anywhere until 9:30." Then I realized it was 5PM, not AM, and I'd only gone to bed 45 minutes earlier. I am fucking amazing.
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