Oct 28, 2002 06:11
I've decided to take out my anger on everyone who has me on their friends list, with an insanely long questionaire entry. Take that.
What does your name mean? --- It's alcohol/revelry related. Lord of Wine, I believe...
How old are you? --- 19
How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?)? --- 8, 15, 22, or 115, depending on mood and current topic of discussion
Describe yourself in 5 words. --- crazed, sleepless, horny, bitchy, itchy
What are your worst qualities? --- Chronic halitosis, Indiana native, hairy, conceited
What are your best qualities --- I am clearly the greatest being ever to exist. Bring me grapes, servant. And pornography. So much pornography.
How long does it take you get get ready in the morning? --- I generally spend my mornings sleeping, in preparation for the mighty afternoon naps ahead.
Do you dream at night? --- Once or twice a month.
Do you remember your dreams? --- Generally for only a few minutes, if I don't write it down it's gone.
Describe one. --- I'm looking down at me from far above, I'm standing on the edge of a cliff, and the sun is setting, so everything looks orange. A black car pulls up, kicking up a nice cloud of dust, and two men in black suits get out. Suddenly, I'm back in my body again, and they are grabbing me be the arms, and throwing me off the cliff. My therapist says I fear the future. *hyperventilate*
What time do you go to bed usually? --- I don't have a consistant bed time, that's for sane people. I'd say 90% of weekdays I get to bed between 11 PM and 4 AM, between 1 and 3 AM 50% of the time, maybe.
What time do you wake up normally? --- Too damn early. 7 AM to 6 PM, in any case, too damn early.
What time do you wake on weekends? --- Between noon and 2, if I want food.
Do you find waking late nice or annoying? --- Waking late is waking on time. Anything less is unacceptable.
Do you sleep with one pillow or two? --- I used to sleep with three, cause I was a pimpin' mutha. However, my "real" bedpillow turned light green for some reason(My ex-roommate's spilled bongwater of yesteryear?), so I threw it out. I am left with two very un-fluffy pillow which I heinously stole from my parents' couch.
Do you like school? --- Eh, it's better than the gas station.
Why/why not? --- Hella stressful, shitty community living. If I could kill every single person on my side of the floor, I might elect to spare 3.
Whats ur fave subject? --- Philosophy and physics are duking it out.
Most hated subject? --- Physics. Funny, eh?
Do you have a fave teacher? --- Props to Dr. Spencer, for sure... fond memories of Dr. Seligmann, he will be missed =(. Outside of physics, Alex Moon is amazing, and Michael McKenna is always cool.
Ever had a crush on a teacher? --- Mrs. Huber was damn hot. If Tasha looks like that at 45, I'll really regret having died at 38! =)
Are you a maths/science person or an english/drama person? --- That's certainly a limiting scale. Neither philosophy nor politics fits into those.
Do you have heaps of friends? --- I have more than I deserve.
Do you have a best friend? --- Nah, I hate the whole best friend theory of social interaction. I have better things to think about than how to rank my friends. For instance, how to cheat at video games!
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? --- Flunctuates every so often. Currently, I'd say I've got equal amounts guy and girl friends.
Do you ever get annoyed at any friend? --- I'm actually pretty annoyed at you, right now. That's a lie, I'm just pissed because I'm not asleep.
Have you ever lied to a friend? --- No. Err, shit, I guess you read that last question, eh? Farewell, credibility.
Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend? --- Yeah, but it was okay, because I maintained eye contact and did it slowly. Lovely story, actually, ask me to tell it to you sometime.
Do you like your parents? --- Yeah, except when they are bitchy. But, everyone is bitchy sometimes, particularly me
Ever run away from home? --- Why do you think I came to college in NY?
Ever thought about it? --- I planned it for years.
Do you have any siblings? --- Nope.
If so, do you like or get annoyed with them? --- Yeah, like Peter is always touching my stuff, and that one time he told mom about my porno mags. Oh, wait. He doesn't exist.
How old are they? --- 15. I mean, no siblings.
If not, do you mind being an only child? Nah, it'd be sweet to not have to deal with that fucking brat! I mean... it IS sweet.
Do you feel your parents spoil you? --- Yes and no. They've always tried to do all they can for me, but at the same time, the last console gaming system we bought was an NES.
Do you not get along with any of your family? --- My family is made of Southern Baptists. I'm an atheist/agnostic ultra-liberal fag. Hilarity ensues.
Do you have big family get togethers ever? --- Twice a year, generally. Waiting for a good(volatile) moment to come out. =)
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? --- Yeah, Tasha.
If so, are you in love with them? --- Yup. =)
Do they love you? --- I've heard rumors to that effect.
How long have you been together? --- 11 months this Friday. Jesus... That's a long ass time.
Most romantic thing they've ever done for you? --- I'm not that gay.
Do you have a crush? --- Yeah, but all celebrities.
If so, are you in love? --- With my crush? Or with Final Fantasy 1? ... because that's a sweet fucking game.
Do they know you like them? --- I'm relatively sure Angelina Jolie doesn't know of my designs on her heart, and I'm not entirely certain Final Fantasy 1 is cognizant of the surrounding world.
Is it serious or playful? --- Playful.
How long have you liked them? --- Since I saw hackers for angelina jolie... and... FF1.. I love you... I've always loved you. Mine is a searing passion that transcends time. Come, let us run away, we can live on love!
Ever done something stupid to impress them? --- Angelina Jolie only knows me as The Peeper, so no on that count, however, I once conquered FF1 with naught but a single black belt in my party.
Have you ever experienced unrequited love? --- I just don't think FF1 feels the same way. =(
Do u find it romantic or hurtful? Oh, cruel fates! Would that I had a dagger to lay on my heart, for my life's blood to flow down it's brushed steel blood groove!
Even know what it is? --- Yes and no. Yes, I know what unrequited love is. No, I cannot possibly comprehend the depths of my own infinite suffering.
Ever had sex? --- Ask the neighbors.
Do you believe that a person shouldnt have sex before marriage? --- Marriage is such a fucked up institution. That's a go ahead on the premarital relations.
Believe in casual sex? --- Sure. *distributes condoms*
When do you plan/when did you lose your virginity? --- I plan to lose my ass virginity to a dolphin's massive rubbery member.
Did you regret it? --- I don't think it's likely I'll live to regret it.
Do you have a religion? --- None.
Do you practice it i.e go to church? --- I study religions on occassion.
Do you believe in God? --- I do not believe in a deity. However, I've often wished for a deity. Sadly, few religions depict a satisfactorily benevolent deity for my liking. The only deity I've ever read about which I wouldn't want to challenge to a duel is the Wiccan Goddess/God.
Jesus? --- Did he exist as a human? Perhaps. As a conduit for divinity? Heh.
Satan? --- His existence is rendered unneccessary by the damn fine job humanity is doing of filling in.
Heaven? --- If it existed we'd destroy it soon enough.
Hell? --- The money and power seems to be working hard to build it.
If you died tomorrow what do you beleive will happen to you? --- I bet the rigor mortis would make my dick totally hard. That'd be whack.
Have you ever been drunk? --- Have I!
taken drugs? --- Weed a few times. I inhaled like a motherfucker.
stolen? --- Hell yeah. I stole this test from Sprague.
shoplifted? --- Not since age 4.
tried to commit suicide? --- Nope. Certainly gave it a fair bit of thought, though.
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? --- Probably, I don't know. I lie all the fucking time.
gotten into a fight? --- Yeah, it's fun. It's surprising how little you really care when you get punched in the face.
are you more innocent or guilty? --- I'm an American, aren't I? I can't even buy a t-shirt without causing untold suffering for a haitan sweatshop worker.
Would you date a drug addict? --- Maybe.
Have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict? --- Yeah, occassionally.
Are you racist? --- Nope
Are you discriminatory to anyone? --- Oh god, yes. I'll discriminate like a motherfucker. I've hated people for wearing yellow before.(although, that's justified)
Have you been a hypocrite in the past? --- As well as the present and future.
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? --- First off, no one is ever going to say "Jesus, my mind be closed as hell, dizzamn." Second off, yes, I feel I have an open mind, but that doesn't mean I have to accept anything that is presented to me.
Do you watch tons of tv? --- Even during the summer I only watch maybe 1-2 hours per week., movies excepted
How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months? --- To the movies? I dunno... 5 or 6?
Do you listen to the radio often? --- Nope.
Do you read the newspaper? --- I read online news, mostly.
Do you read magazines? --- Rarely. 2600 when I can get it.
Are you a couch potato? --- I, like sprague, am a computer potato.
Do you use the internet too much? --- If I thought I used the internet too much, I'd use it less. Do I use it a lot? Yes.
Whats your fave style of music? --- Political. Dead Kennedys and Bad Religion have been ruling my existence this entire semester.
Do you play an instrument? --- Nope. I tried guitar for a while, but my fingers don't really like to do what I tell them, so that didn't work out.
Do you sing? --- Not well.
Whats your fave band? --- Dead Kennedys.
Why? --- "Ku Klux Klan will control you, still you think it's natural, nigger-knockin' for the master race, still you wear the happy face, you closed your eyes, can't happen here, Alexander Haig is near, Vietnam won't come back you say, join the army or you will pay" "you're makin' money for President Reagan... and all the friends of President Reagan"... so much energy, good statements. *loves DK*
Have you met them before? --- Nope. Only would care to meet Jello at this point, though, because the other 3 guys have since become major corporate whores.
Name 3 cds that youve bought in the last year. --- Dead Kennedys - Frankenchrist, Bad Religon - The Process of Belief, Brad - Welcome to Discovery Park
Why did you buy them? --- Dead Kennedys I bought because Leiby reminded me of their existence, so I checked out their lyrics again and decided to pick some up. I bought Bad Religion because my roommate doesn't have it all, and I bought Brad because it's Brad Welcome to Discovery Park was no Interiors, but it's a damn good album.
Whats your fave sport? --- Freestyle sleeping.
Whats your fave sport to watch? --- I hate watching.
Do you have a fave team of any sort? --- Freestylin' ain't no team sport.
Do you play a lot of sport? --- As much as I can.
ever won anything for sport? --- No, but I'm widely recognized as an excellent freestyle sleeper. Tonight's indiscretion aside.
Are you funny or serious? --- Error, data type double -> boolean. ... See, that's a joke.
Creative or not? --- I haven't been creative for a long time.
Logical thinker or lateral thinker? --- lateral thinking? wtf? Am I some kind of pysch major? I'm not a conservative, if that's what you're asking.
Are you outgoing or shy? --- Depends on the phase of the moon.
Are you lazy or active? --- Lazy.
Have you ever been hyperactive? --- Not often.
Are you a naturally hyperactive person? --- Oh god no.
Are you happy with the way you look? --- Nope.
What would you change? --- Minus 40 pounds(10 of it body hair), and lose a scar or two.
Do you wear makeup regularly? --- Yeah, I've worn some amount of makeup almost every halloween for my entire life.
Do you have a large wardrobe? --- Not really. I have enough for about a week and a half.
Do you have a job? --- Yeah, campus employment baby. Terrace Dining.
Do you like it? --- It's not bad.
Are you a saver or a spender? --- Sometimes I save enough quarters for laundry sunday.
Do you work hard or slack off? --- Slack off, particularly this semester.
Have you ever been fired? --- Nope, although I kinda expected my catholic boss from my last job to fire me, because I refused to stop distributing condoms. =)
In trouble at work? --- No, not really.
Made a major mistake? --- Yeah, I occassionally walk into these buildings where they try to sell me goods and services. I generally escape with very little money, but at least 4 pennies. *Shakes fist at the damn useless things*
Ever had money stolen from you? --- Yeah. In addition to individuals stealing from me sometimes, a lot of times the government takes a bite out of my paycheck and uses it to bomb weddings in afghanistan. wtf!
Are you always broke? --- ... yes.
~embarrassing moments~
Your all time most embarrassing moment? --- Once, my dad caught me jacking off, to an interracial porn flick entitles "Sista 2", no less. Humorously, his reaction was to look at the screen and say "wow, she's licking his nuts!". Oh, the tragedy that is my existence.
Ever snorted drink out your nose? --- Yeah.
Ever giggled like an idiot? --- And with good reason.
Ever embarrassed yourself and pretended nothing happened? --- Yup.
Ever tripped in front of someone you liked? --- Yeah, I can't generally walk, so I've tripped in front of pretty much everyone I have ever met in my life.
Ever said something really stupid? --- Yeah, I occassionally read bits of Ann Coulter articles aloud to my roommate.
Ever snorted while laughing? --- Sometimes, I think.
Ever fallen off a bed? --- Yes, a few times.
Ever sleepwalked? --- Yeah
Ever sleeptalked? --- yeah
Whats your best memory? --- I've got plenty of good memories.
Worst? --- One time, my homeland degenerated into an imperialist dictatorship. That fucking SUCKED.
Whats the weirdest memory you have? --- When I was like 4, my mom woke me up, and I was definitely standing in the kitching pissing in the trash can. Sleepwalking is fucked up.
Do you have a good memory? --- I have several good memories.
Whats the coolest holiday you remember having? --- One Christmas when I was like 4 or 5, my dad made an enormous snowball, picked it up, and promptly buried me with it. Well, not completely buried me, but still, more than half of my body was buried in snow. It was amazing.
Ever had funny thoughts and laughed and no one understood you? --- Often.
Whats the first thought that comes to your head when you hear these names? --- Sprague deleted all the names, and I think it was a DAMN good call.
Whats the first thoughts that come to your head while hearing these words? --- Yeah, I'm gonna try to go to bed now.