Card Post mmrobitussin TOTAL OWED: 0
8.30.09 ballet15, dual10, neptune14, pan10, & pharaoh10 [+6]
9.03.09 axe19 & plum13 [+2]
9.03.09 occult17 & pan18 [+2]
9.07.09, muga05, muga09, muga12, muga13, muga20, nfu08, nya12, nya16, oresama06, oresama08, oresama14, pervert11, silver01, silver13, sword17, viper02, & volley01 [+17]
9.14.09, manager11, manager14, manager19, & manager20 [+4]
9.15.09, dual06, plum05, & windam11 [+3]
9.18.09, doujin15 & exsphere09 [+2]
9.27.09 illegal20, kendama01, & traitor02 [+3]
10.1.09 dove20, madamada17, nya06, silver18, & volley13 [+5]
10.4.09 perfect15 [+1]
10.8.09 broom17, doujin01 tensai04, & volley04 [+4]
10.11.09 volley20 [+1]
10.16.09 broom08, chosen12, doujin08, dove15, kansai05, & tail13 [+6]
10.18.09 devil06, gekidasa07, gekidasa11, madamada12, muga02, & silver17 [+6]
10.19.09 bandage12, despair13, manager15, nya14, pharaoh05, seal10, & tail09 [+7]
10.19.09 received bomb07, bomb12, & pluto07 [-3]
10.22.09 received gamuza20, gotei03, typhoon09, & unwanted20 [-5]
10.22.09 broom05, kendama09, nya04, & positive05 [+4]
10.24.09 received gotei15 & quest68 [-3]
10.28.09 bow09, cuffs03, devil20, hyotei16, & kansai17 [+6]
10.31.09 bow14, broom09, & oresama17 [+3]
10.31.09 received exorcist10, homicide07, & pun20 [-5]
11.1.09 hyotei02, manager18, oresama01, & tensai06 [+5]
11.5.09 received adopted15 & southern19 [-2]
11.15.09 bandage01, bandage04, gekidasa01, idiot07 & seal09 [+5]
11.16.09 received boots15, boots20, dreams01, dreams15, dreams19, exorcist02, exorcist07, exorcist11, exorcist12, exorcist15, exorcist20, frown14, judgment07, memory03, memory13, memory15, memory20 & tease14 [-18]
11.18.09 received liek07, liek14, reject01, reject02, reject07, wings06, wings11 & wings14 [-8]
11.23.09 doujin13, exsphere04, gekidasa12, idiot14, kansai01, kansai09, onigiri19, pipe08, sword03 & sword10 [+10]
12.03.09 received detective06, detective12, detective19, dust08, dust17, espada09, gamuza06, gamuza12, ice07, knight07, logic13, lolicon03, lolicon09, lolicon12, maou01, pantera09, report03, report06, report13, report17, scatter10, scatter12, scatter20 & snap06 [-25]
12.13.09 book19, despair03, despair04, devil11, gekidasa15, hyotei07, madamada10, pipe14, pipe18, silver15 & sword08 [+12]
12.19.09 volley03 & volley05 [+2]
12.29.09 gekidasa18 & kansai12 [+2]
12.30.09 received gotei09, ice13 & novelist10 [-4]
1.1.10 trumpet04 [-1]
1.4.10 10th14, axe01, bite10, dino03, horse04, horse18, jellopy73, jellopy88, jellopy89, jellopy93, jellopy99, jellopy100, mist06, mist19, onigiri05, peach14, peach18, pipe11, quest07, quest08, quest14, quest55 & rain06 [+23]
1.6.10 rain19 [+1]
1.10.10 dino08, exsphere11, jellopy20, jellopy31, jellopy62, seal20 & mafia02 [+8]
1.20.10 book14, devil04, devil11, horse02, idiot09, gekidasa16, jellopy03, jellopy05, jellopy29, jellopy92, mafia07, mafia18, nya02, pipe15, quest04, quest42, quest45 & tensai08 [+20]
1.26.10 ashes04, ashes17, bride03, bunter12, catcher01, catcher04, catcher17, catcher18, devil03, devil09, husband16, hyotei02, kansai02, kuso10, little07, little08, little10, madamada04, manager03, manager20, nishiura02, nya13, nya19, ow08, petals13, petals17, pitcher01, pride18, prince04, prince09, prince14, seventh18, silver13, tensai13, wank07, wank16, wife02 & wife03 [-41]
2.2.10 axe02, bite06, blue16, extreme03, jellopy28, jellopy64, jellopy82, mafia11, mist09, onigiri16, pipe01, quest33, quest38, quest41 & sword15 [+16]
2.8.10 nishiura08 [-2]
2.24.10 blue07, bow06, hikikomori20, idiot03, jellopy21, jellopy30, jellopy37, jellopy43, mafia09, mafia20, quest05, quest11, quest17, quest43, quest67, quest69 & quest72 [+19]
3.13.10 bow11, broom15, dino07, dino12, hyotei14, kendama01, jellopy38, oresama07, pipe13, quest02, quest13, quest40, quest53, seal11, tensai12 & volley12 [+17]
3.31.10 black20, gekidasa13, guardian19, light18, orb20, primrose13, primrose17 & spirit06 [-8]
5.4.10 chariot09, chariot13, cuffs09, emo13, emo20, irony04, kendama02, kendama07, kendama17, sword19, sword20 [-11]
5.31.10 broom11, celes14, colonel03, complex01, complex10, council14, gene02, loyal01, loyal20, morph20, phantom07, phantom13, photos14, smokes04, smokes05, trigger03 & windam18 [-17]
6.23.10 design05, design17, hunter07, hunter20, ginryuu01, ginryuu13, lunar10, magic20, magician03, magician09, moon02, moon05, persocom14, plum09, star05, unlucky14, uranus01 & uranus09 [-18]
7.4.10 jellopy36, jellopy39, jellopy54, jellopy68, jellopy72, kendama04, kendama11, kompeito12, kompeito17, mafia03, mafia13, mafia19, onigiri12, quest37, quest48, quest68, symmetry04, symmetry06, symmetry07, symmetry14, symmetry17 & symmetry18 [+25]
7.12.10 disney03, key01, key15, lock07, monkey07, monkey16, monkey18, nobodies05, nobodies11, police09, punisher06, punisher07, punisher09, sketch03, sketch08, sky09, sky11, sky17, tattoo13 & youkai16 [-23]
8.4.10 10th20, bite09, bite13, dino06, dino10, dino11, dino14, dino19, dino20, jellopy57, jellopy61, jellopy63, jellopy80, kompeito02, kompeito13, mafia16, muga10, quest24, quest56 & quest60 [+21]
8.5.10 arthur15, ego15, jewel05, knives05 & knives14 [-5]
8.16.10 bandage06, bomb06, bomb07, bomb20, book16, cuffs16, exsphere06, horse05, horse13, horse16, horse17, jellopy86, kansai14, kompeito10, madamada05, mist01, mist02, mist07, mist08, mist20, nya03, rain11, rain12, rain17, rain18, rain20, silver04, symmetry11 & tensai15 [+29]
8.21.10 demon16 & sinner09 [-2]
8.21.10 chemist18, judge05, pan09, pan16, pan18, pan23, pan31, pan33, southern01 & tactics03 [+11]
8.21.10 artemis04, artemis06, chariot05, chariot10, chariot12, chariot13, chariot14, chariot17, chariot20, drink05, esper01, esper02, esper08, esper09, esper13, esper14, esper15, esper16, esper17, esper18, esper20, kaede12, kaede13, nyoron01, nyoron03, nyoron05, nyoron06, nyoron07, nyoron08, nyoron12, nyoron13, nyoron15, nyoron16, nyoron17, nyoron20 & quest01 [+36]
8.21.10 bure02, bure04, bure05, bure06, bure07, bure08, bure10, play02, play06, play07, play09, play11, play12, play15, seer01, seer16, seer19, sos04, sos09, sos11, sos12, sos14, sos15, sos16, sos17, sos18, sos19, time03, time04, time05, time08, time09, time10, time11, time12, time13, time16, time20, truth07, varia02, varia04, varia07, viola07 & viola18 [+44]
8.24.10 cosplay10, crusnik07, forget19, half01, lancelot01, lancelot02, lancelot07, lancelot16, peace10, pilot16, pizza02, pudding04, pudding05, pudding18 & slayer07 [-16]
8.26.10 apostle10 & mind09 [-2]
9.7.10 medic13, medic17, objection05, objection06, ruffles17, shukaku16, taijutsu01 & taijutsu09 [-8]
9.18.10 varia16 & varia19 [+2]
10.10.10 stone10, stone12 & time07 [+3]
11.8.10 artemis14, axe14, chariot07, drink02, extreme15, hyotei11, idiot02, jellopy41, play13, rain14, sos20, stone17 & viola03 [+15]
11.14.10 nirvash11, noa04, noa05 & noa07 [-7]
11.28.10 chemist10 [-1]
12.25.10 archer13, blue20, hell09, hell14, horse14, mist19, revenge11, slayer03, varia04 & writer13 [-10]
1.1.11 artemis11, drink11, jellopy49, jellopy52, jellopy65, kaede03, mirror02, play04, pun05, pun15, pun20, quest35, quest61, truth06 & truth16 [+20]
1.6.11 ainu05, ainu13, carrot01, carrot06, carrot12, destiny39, destiny51, destiny67, destiny84, destiny118, flower20, heist16, homicide08, itako01, jellopy43, jellopy67, jellopy79, mirror06, ocarina09, shaman10, shaman16 & sister20 [-24]
1.8.11 arthur17, beast09, playboy01, playboy14, raven02, reject11, ruins10, scientist13, switch12 & willow04 [-10]
2.14.11 jellopy71, mentor01 & triforce05 [-3]
3.19.11 retuners01 & tristan19 [-3]
4.28.11 dagger09 & quest24 [-2]
5.29.11 chemist07, chemist09, chemist17, chemist19, chemist20, clown03, clown15, heist04, heist15, hikikomori02, hikikomori09, sherry06, sherry14, sherry19, sight01, sight09, sight10, stalker04, stalker08, stalker12, stalker19, twin01, twin04 & twin05 [-24]
6.13.11 chemist09, chemist20, queen10 & triforce18 [-4]
6.13.11 artemis05, artemis12, chariot04, chariot08, chariot18, play05, play10, pun03, pun14, pun16, seer15, stone02, stone19, tongue08, truth15, varia10, varia20, viola02 & viola16 [+25]
6.13.11 amnesia06, amnesia07, amnesia20, berry01, berry02, berry06, berry09, berry13, berry14, berry15, berry16, berry19, berry20, candy07, candy08, candy12, candy13, candy14, candy15, candy16, candy18, candy19, candy20, coach04, coach06, coach13, coach14, cook01, cook13, count01, count02, count03, count05, count07, count18, count19, half01, half04, half05, half10, half12, half16, half17 & half20 [+44]
6.13.11 knives03, knives05, knives09, knives11, knives12, knives13, knowledge02, knowledge04, knowledge06, knowledge10, knowledge18, knowledge20, phobia01, phobia03, phobia05, phobia08, phobia10, phobia12, phobia13, phobia14, phobia15, phobia16, puppet09, puppet12, puppet15, puppet16, puppet17, puppet18, quest71, strahl02, strahl16 & strahl20 [+32]
6.14.11 destiny117 & hair08 [-3]
6.15.11 hosts05, hosts09, hunter05, kailu05, kailu15, rookie16, smokes05 & smokes09 [-10]
6.17.11 mirror10 & pretear15 [-3]
6.23.11 13th06, 13th11, 13th19, 13th20, ashes12, cherry06, cherry15, flute11, flute16, ghosts05, howl01, ice10, king14, king20, loveless01, magician08, magician20, morph19, novelist06, short01, sleep13, sleep20 & uranus07 [-23]
6.27.11 bossy02, hair08, jellopy90 & progress14 [-5]
6.28.11 bounty08, dagger10, shift17, snake07, snake11, snake17, snake20, strike17, strike19, taiyoukai04 & taiyoukai15 [-11]
7.4.11 hair05 & lion15 [-3]
7.10.11 owls08 [-1]
7.21.11 hin11 [-1]
7.23.11 april18, bandage05, bandage07, bandage13, gene06, gene20, left13, xxxg06 & xxxg10 [-11]
8.1.11 hair02 [-2]
8.1.11 automail16, balinese03, balinese05, balinese06, balinese07, balinese11, balinese12, balinese15, balinese17, extreme06, extreme07, extreme08, extreme14, extreme15, extreme18, fanservice01, fanservice03, fanservice07, fanservice09, fanservice10, fanservice11, fanservice13, fanservice14, fanservice19, fanservice20, forget01, forget02, forget03, forget04, forget11, forget13, forget16, friend01, friend03, friend04, friend06, friend18, future06 & future08 [+49]
8.1.11 hope04, hope05, hope06, hope08, hope14, nano02, nano05, nano06, nano13, nano15, nano16, objection01, objection06, objection16, objection19, objection20, palm03, palm10, palm18, psynergy03, psynergy10, servant02, servant03, servant10, servant13, snow09, spell01, spell05, spell11, truth12, visor05, visor06, visor08, visor15, visor16, visor20, wolf02 & wolf07 [+40]
8.11.11 13th17, apple14, artemis09, balinese14, bounty20, captain10, hachi10, hin19, illegal17, kyrios16, mercury19, monster07, noble12, norse16, nya01, owls02, peach06, pizza16, pretear10, relative04, revolver14, saturn20, scatter14, scythe19, souen29 & trainer07 [-26]
8.14.11 ghosts19 [-1]
8.14.11 author11, hostess09, mercury06, relative09, water10 & short12 [-6]
8.14.11 pretear19 [-1]
8.15.11 memory02 [-1]
8.24.11 pretear20 [-1]
9.6.11 bossy19, dagger16 & owls20 [-3]
9.7.11 cherry16 [-1]
10.10.11 waves09, weapon01 & weapon07 [-3]
11.9.11 fanservice15, fanservice16, feathers06, friend16, friend19, knives01, knives07, objection05, objection15, pokedex04, pokedex05, pokedex07, pokedex12, pokedex18, pokedex37, pokedex41, pokedex57, pokedex86, pokedex98, pokedex120, purity02, purity08, purity15, purity18, purity20, snow16, spear07, spell04, tongue01, tongue03, violin02, violin17, visor07, visor12, visor13, wolf11, wolf13 & wolf15 [+43]
11.14.11 chemist07, heist15, husband01 & water01 [-4]
12.22.11 cameo06, cameo08, cameo15, cameo16, cameo17, crusnik04, crusnik08, digidestined14, digidestined15, disney02, disney06, disney07, disney12, disney13, disney15, disney16, disney17, disney18, espada03, gotei01, gotei05, gotei06, gotei07, homicide07, homicide08, homicide11, homicide13, lock07, lock08, lock10, nishiura06, nishiura07, noa04, noa06, noa09, noa11, noa12, noa14, noa15, noa17, noa18, noa20, ougi20, paradise03, paradise06, purity06, returners02, returners03, returners15, shinra01, shinra02, shinra03, shinra12, shinra14, tactics01, tactics03, tactics04, tactics10, xxxg04, xxxg06 [+119]
12.27.11 cactuar, judgment07, pokeball, progress03, progress18, twin01, twin04, viper18, whip01, whip09, whip14, wings18, woobie09, zelda01, zelda08, zelda15 [-20]
12.31.11 disguise19, play07, splat13, twin04 [-7]
1.12.12 mercury08 [-1]
1.15.12 alchemy12, feathers16, returners01, returners14 [+8]
1.15.12 dexter40, fanelia07, hanyou09, henshin05, indigo07, mental19, teeth16, ward13 [-9]
1.16.12: color01, engaged20 [-3]
1.16.12: cephiro16, heir02, heir18, love13, mercury15, teeth08, wind18 [-7]
1.16.12 fanelia03, limbs11, mental05, shinigami15 [-5]
1.17.12 a.t.07, fridge20, gambler11, mental09, robot19, sandrock17 [-7]
1.18.12 gundam06, limbs01, paranormal03, sandrock20, usagi12 [-6]
1.20.12 cephiro18, giraffe18, priest16, usagi08 [-4]
1.21.12: shinigami04, spira11 [-4]
1.22.12 at10, gundam01, paranormal10, sandrock10 [-6]
1.23.12 paranormal06 [-2]
1.24.12 giraffe15, shogi14 [-2]
1.24.12 animals04, animals05, cute11 [-5]
1.25.12 catholic14, shield11, shinigami12 [-4]
1.26.12 shinigami01 [-2]
1.29.12 catholic18, color16, orphan04 [-4]
1.29.12 cute18, gundam02, gundam19, heir07, henshin08, limbs03, love09, orphan09, sandrock08, talismans08 [-12]
1.30.12 fayth08, talismans09, talismans15 [-6]
1.30.12 fridge08, fto17, henshin07, idol05 [-6]
1.31.12 fridge10, mage10, mage18, voooi16 [-4]
2.1.12 color02, idol07, plumber07, voooi14, ward05 [-7]
2.3.12 fto07, voooi08, ward14 [-3]
2.3.12 a.t.01, color19, gundam15 [-5]
2.4.12 dexter16, teeth05 [-2]
2.5.12 bloom10, color17, henshin20, spira02 [-7]
2.5.12 fayth04, voooi15 [-3]
2.5.12 engeve04 [-1]
2.5.12 assistant04, assistant10, assistant11, assistant12, fto02, orphan07, orphan10, orphan14, orphan15 [-9]
2.6.12 a.t.02, henshin03, plumber16 [-5]
2.12.12 cephiro03, dexter68, dexter77 [-3]
2.12.12 animals02 [-2]
2.13.12 gundam12 [-1]
2.14.12 contract08, henshin12, indigo13, indigo15, indigo17, indigo18, indigo19 [-8]
2.17.12 hanyou17 [-1]
2.20.12 guns17, heir04, heir06, heir16, mage05, mage06, mage15, mage16, mage17, resonance04 [-11]
2.24.12 engeve10 [-1]
2.25.12 a.t.04, mage09, voooi13 [-4]
2.26.12 dwma08, griever02 [-3]
2.28.12 dwma07, gambler19 [-3]
2.29.12 heir10 [-1]
3.1.12 dexter07, shinigami02 [-3]
3.1.12: catholic10, paranormal01, resonance01, shinigami04, spira15, ward05 [-10]
3.4.12 color01, squirrel17 [-3]
3.4.12 color19, engaged12, resonance03 [-5]
3.4.12 11th10, fayth01, ishval15, orphan18 [-5]
3.5.12 gundam02, heir06, wind02 [-3]
3.5.12 sandrock03, sandrock04, sandrock05, sandrock13, sandrock19, sorry02, sorry05, sorry09 [-8]
3.5.12 neko17 [-1]
3.11.12 hensin10, idol04, shinigami18 [-6]
3.11.12 spira06 [-2]
3.12.12 strong03, strong04, strong08, strong13, strong15, strong17 [-6]
3.12.12 11th12, meister16 [-2]
3.12.12 resonance12, robot14, shinigami07 [-5]
3.14.12 mysterious09 [-2]
3.15.12 resonance14 [-2]
3.17.12 shield07 [-1]
3.20.12 pewter02, pewter07, pewter08, pewter14, pewter18, pewter20 [-6]
3.23.12 jupiter08 [-1]
3.24.12 ward14 [-1]
3.25.12 meister04, resonance15 [-3]
3.27.12 cat04, cat15 [-2]
3.27.12 heir19, spira03 [-3]
3.27.12 heir04 [-1]
3.28.12 dwma04, heir20, robot01 [-4]
3.29.12 giraffe15, priest14, ward03 [-3]
4.1.12 dwma06, engeve15, fridge04, resonance01, robot01, robot05 [-8]
4.6.12 fridge03, ward12 [-2]
4.6.12 resonance06, sandrock14 [-3]
4.8.12 dexter12, dwma03, orphan10 [-4]
4.8.12 bloom02, fanelia03, guns02 [-3]
4.9.12 dexter65 [-1]
4.10.12 11th01, dexter41, meister02, toad01 [-4]
4.10.12 contract01 [-1]
4.14.12 ainu06, ainu12, ainu19, ainu20, fox04, fox05, fox06, fox09, fox10, fox13, fox16, jagan08, jagan09, jagan10, jagan11, jagan13, jagan15, jagan18, mage07, mars11 [+20]
4.16.12 griever01, griever03, griever06, griever11, griever12, guide05, guide06 [-7]
4.16.12 biceps20, doll08, doll09, engaged09, fanelia02, gundam01, jagan13, jupiter15, robot20, shadow04, shadow12, shield04, steel08, steel10 [-14]
4.20.12: do not want09, evolve06, sheild16, youkai19 [-5]
4.23.12 doll07, seiryu01, spira11, talismans14 [-6]
4.23.12 fuku06 [-2]
4.25.12 doll20 [-1]
4.30.12: resonance11, spira10 [-4]
5.2.12 do not want03 [-2]
5.6.12 do not want10 [-2]
5.6.12 guns01, mars07, shogi10, toad17 [-4]
5.8.12 fridge11, maids01 [-3]
5.13.12 steel16 [-1]
exchange_trade LIMITED OFFER
Because I am running out of things to collect and will effectively be taking a break from massive collecting at TCG until after the next deck release. Here's what this will entail:
◊ Holds policy remains as stated
◊ Certs will not be used
◊ Trading buddies can still get cards they need for masteries from me on an IOU basis
What this last one means is that if you comment with "IOU - URGENT" as your comment title, I will give you whatever card it is in my trade pile or that is in holds for you with the understanding that you owe me a current/future card when I start collecting again to repay it.
I will keep a
list with current links that can be used as a reference for IOU totals. Note that because I have collected everything else, what I pick up to collect after I return will be new decks only. These decks are already listed above for planning and priority purposes.
With that in mind, I'm still willing to help out under those parameters. No other trades will be replied to unless I offer for something I randomly decide I want for my keeps.
Feel free to ask if something isn't clear and happy card hunting~