(no subject)

Jun 11, 2007 16:23

"There are a lot of things"

I don't know what the above statement means but I'm going to try and interpret it anyways.

I just wrote a blog in Microsoft word, as I usually do because that way I can save as I go and don't have to fear an internet connection dying on me and losing everything I just wrote. Usually I type it, edit it, and then post it on three various websites because not everyone I know has a myspace, a livejournal, or a facebook. So I just five minutes ago finished my entry, copied it, and signed in to my livejournal and when I went to "type new entry" it asked if I wanted to restore from a saved draft. I was curious what the saved draft was because I haven't updated my livejournal in a while so I clicked okay and up opens the type window with those five words(without parentheses or punctuation)

There are a lot of things

I stared at this for a while, trying to remember when I typed this, or how I planned to write an entry with that intro. I don't know if that was a sentence itself attempting to reference something deeper, or if I was remarking on what exactly is in the multi-vitamin I take every morning. I remember starting four of five entries, and not being satisfied with their outcome, eventually deleting them and closing the window... was this the intro to one of those entries? Did I accidentally delete everything in an entry except those last fives words, not leaving the preface to them intact in order to make sense of it all? There are a lot of things that could have happened.

That's it.

There are a lot of things that could have happened. There are a lot of things that MUST have happened and that's why I don't remember where that sentence(if it can be called that: in it's original context this might only be a fragment) came from. After this realization I don't think it's important anymore what they meant, but rather what they mean now. There are a lot of things: It's so simple yet so brilliant. For every one thing there is a lot of things.

"how are you feeling?"-asks One
"shitty"-says the Other

But the Other is not doing just shitty, there are a lot of things that are making him feel that way. Odds are there is no ONE thing that is making him feel bad, but rather a series of events that have culminated into one state of being. On the transverse side of things that affect ones mood, there are also a lot of things occuring that may spark an equally strong state of being that may be "not shitty."

"why are you shitty? You just got a sick new job, won a ton of money in poker the last couple weeks, and had an awesome day of skating."-the One asks
"Yes, but I also have laundry to do, errands to run, and I'm too tired to do all of these important things"- Other explains.

the Other's pessimistic paradigm causes him to feel shitty, spiraling into an even more shitty mood upon realization of how shitty it is to feel shitty. As soon as he realizes that there ARE a lot of things, not just one thing, which right now in his mind is the state of being shitty, can he pull himself out of that spiral and truly understand that it's not all bad. There are too many things for them ALL to be bad.

I don't know why I felt like commenting on those words, but I just wanted some things to be finished so there it is.

Below is the entry I wrote sometime after the words "there are a lot of things" and immediately before my commentary on that very statement:

Well shit…there is a lot of things(whoa shit...while I was writing what you just read, I didn't even realize I started what you were about to read with essentially the same intro) going on in my life that I haven’t really been advertising too much. I guess this is me “catching up” by letting all my friends know how I’ve been:

Where to start? I guess the biggest news for me right now would be that I quit my job. I actually put in my two weeks about a week ago and my last day is this Sunday. The reason for this is that I’ve been offered another job in another field with an opportunity to make a lot more money, however there’s still a lot to do before this decision pays off. Keeping in mind I have not yet begun this job, so I can’t tell you every detail about it until I’ve spent time there, I’ll tell you about what I DO know.

My new job is as an account representative for an advertising agency that does business-to-business advertising exclusively for fortune 500 companies. I will be representing on behalf of companies like Quill office supplies and Verizon wireless. As I understand it we are currently beginning to work with Google. When I represent each account (I will switch between all of them over periods of time) I will being going from business to business promoting their product and doing sales for them. With Quill, I will be setting up accounts on behalf of the business I deal with so that they can in the future order from them using their account number I set up for them. For Verizon I will be dealing with current Verizon customers, doing exactly what I don’t know yet.

Business-to-business sales is among other things, what I want to do in life so I think it’s a disservice to myself to not at least TRY and see if it works out. The reason I say TRY is because it’s a commission-based job. Commission-based jobs are scary as hell. I mean I have unlimited potential to make money, but at the same time I could make nothing. The only reason I decided to take this job is because after looking into it, the company I work for is legit, the people I would work with are legit, and if anyone can make money doing this (I watched in person people makes tons of money doing this when I had my second interview where I shadowed a sales rep all day), I know I can do it too.

To be honest I think this is my big break. I think this is the job that is going to put the money in my pocket to complete the other goals I have in life. The guy I shadowed made an average of four grand a month ($52,000 a year), and while that’s not a HUGE amount of money compared to my goals for the future, it sure as hell is a lot of money for me right now. I mean if all else fails I’m leaving on good terms with my current job and can always find my way back if things don’t work out. So it’s a win/win situation right?
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