
Mar 19, 2007 18:40

I recently have come to a realization. The fact that I haven’t come to this conclusion in the distant past, when it would have served more valuable to have known about it, is concerning. I guess due to the type and nature of this realization, it’s amazing that I’m able to even recognize it in the first place. Like a crazy person doesn’t know he’s crazy, it seems illogical for a person like me to realize this about himself but here it is: I’m dumb.

Yes that’s right. I am an unintelligent person. I’m dumb plain and simple, or at least I think it’s plain and simple because my brain can’t comprehend much else. I’ll try to explain how I’ve come to this conclusion, but keep in mind that I’m not very smart, so I probably won’t make very much sense.

I was lurking the many various tubes of the internet when I came upon this article.

If smart people are unhappy, that in turn would mean that stupid people ARE happy. It makes perfect sense to me. You know that girl back in highschool who walks around with that smokin body and that perfect smile that tells the world “I couldn’t be happier because my life is perfect”? Well remember what happened when you finally got the nerve to walk up and have a conversation with her, only to realize that she’s not smiling because life is perfect, but because she’s a blundering idiot and has no idea what’s going on around her? How about that Jock who always seemed friendly to everyone, and you always thought it was because he was a super nice guy without a care in the world? Maybe that’s true, but you found out the only reason he doesn’t have a care in the world is because he’s not smart enough to realize that there are things worth caring about, or even that there’s a world outside of the gym, all made so obviously apparent when he raised his hand in history class to ask how Christopher Columbus managed to avoid falling off the edge of the earth anyways. You see I think that might be me because I, for the most part, am happy. Stupid people are unexplainably happy, I’m unexplainably happy, therefore: I must be stupid.

See what I did there? I used transitive relation to prove I’m dumb….my head hurts.

Hindsight is an amazing thing: It’s like going back in time and being able to predict the future, only you can’t change anything because it’s just being played out in your head and not really a tangible reality. You can reflect on it, and make decisions about it, but you can’t change anything. I’ve been doing a lot of looking back recently. Not too far back, because I’m a firm believer of live and let die: I try to not dwell too hard on the past. There are a few things in the past few months though that I’ve thought “wow, that really was shitty and I can’t believe I’m not angry or upset about that.” With all of the crazy things that are going on in my life, I still can honestly say that my life is essentially perfect. I’m happy as hell and if I broke it down to a list of things that have happened recently, the negatives would outweigh the positives. I just don’t care though. I wouldn’t want to change a damn thing because even on my way to an 8 hour day at work, KNOWING I’m going to be sweating by the end of the shift, because someone quit and I’ve had to work twice as hard since, I can’t help but have a smile on my face and I don’t know why.

I had an interesting conversation with Dylan about this maybe a week ago. I told him I thought that my recent positive outlook on life was perhaps caused by the beautiful weather we’ve been having down here in southern California. Dylan pointed out that I could have what’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder(Ironically the acronym for a mood disorder is “SAD”). I must say that his conclusion was rather brilliant and made perfect sense because I only realized how unusually happy I was during that week of 80+ degree weather and clear skies. It was only until this week, during the cold, cloudy LA days that I realized I was STILL walking around whistling upbeat tunes to myself, and came to the consensus that I’m stupid.

I’m reminded of that one song by Nirvana called Dumb.

“I think I’m dumb, maybe just happy” is how the refrain went.

I never put any stock into those lyrics, but I now realize Kurt Cobain was indirectly referencing the fact that smart people are depressed. He figured that maybe he’s not stupid happy, but “maybe just happy.”

So basically what I’m saying is that I’m really happy for no apparent reason, and if you’re in that same boat as me, you better put on a helmet because we must be retarded.
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