NOT the Greatest Blog in the World

Feb 18, 2007 23:50

"This is a preface to the Greatest Blog in the World." Not necessarily meaning that the next entry that I post will be the fabled entry, but rather consider it foreshadowing. Questions you might ask are "Does this mean the GBITW(Greatest Blog in the World) will be about a similar topic?" Not exactly. What does "greatest" mean anyways? Most intelligently written, about the most important topic in the world? It could be any of those two, none of them, and both of them at the same time. Now read THIS and anticipate the GREATEST BLOG IN THE WORLD!!!(NOW arriving at an internet tube near you)

Anyways, now an exciting entry: The Greatest Blog in the World. Wow, I have a lot to live up to here don’t I…I hyped this up to be the greatest, but maybe it was a very time consuming entry for me to write and I want to believe that because I worked harder on it. Perhaps what is so great about this blog is not the content of it, but rather the “big picture”, so to speak. I typed an entry that can tell you something about perception, the human mind. For this entry to make sense, I have to assume that the only reason you are reading it is because you sent me a message or left me a comment saying “wow, all that hype for the greatest blog in the entire world and you played us off like that?” I know there are a few of you who looked further (I hope there are at least), but I’m going with what I think will be the majority of people here. Assuming what I assumed earlier, the fact that you are only now reading after being tipped off is a testament to our societies lack of perceptiveness. I mean come on guys, I posted my entry about Valentines Day twice originally. I mean you could chalk that up to an accidental double post, but to post it a third time two days earlier?

“Well, it’s probably that same entry because it starts off the same and has the same general format!!!”


What you did was read, determine whether or not it was new knowledge, and move on when you came to the (false) conclusion that it was not. That’s what we as a society seem to do. “Do you want to rent this movie tonight?” “No, I already saw it.” I mean yeah, a damn good movie you might want to watch twice, but there’s an exception to everything isn’t there? Not to say that this lack of attention to detail, and disinterest in the old is a bad thing. It’s the very reason society can move on without obsessing over the details of the past such as “this didn’t work, let me try the exact same thing again and see if there is a different outcome?” But really enough of me scolding you about not taking the time to read further.

I really wanted to type a new journal entry but I didn't have any ideas, so I was going to type an entry that said "Made you look." People will then go to my journal and think to themselves "hey, look at this new entry........ah shit he made me look." I kind of get a kick out of that because I am a power hungry bastard that gets off on the fact that I knew you were going to look. The best part is that the people who didn't look, and have any sort of claim that I was wrong about knowing what they would do, don't know that I was even claiming to know in the first place....cause they didn't look. No one can say "you didn't make me look" cause for them to know I was trying, they would have had to. It's brilliant isn't it? (made you read).




Format things weird to distract you.

Damn, see what I did there? Those last few lines exist solely to deceive the people who instead of reading the first paragraph, looked at the “big picture” and took a visual standpoint and said “yeah, this entry has the same ‘look’(formatting) as an entry that I have already read”. Compare the formatting of my Valentines Day entry to this entry and appreciate how hard it was for me to re-create such extremely similar indentations.

For some reason I found it necessary to even start off some of the paragraphs, and sentences the same way just to add to the illusion.

You’ll also notice some other tiny easter eggs. Such as that the first sentence that I even mention similar formatting has the exact number of characters as the sentence that was designed to correspond with it in the Valentines entry. But really, that was more for my amusement because I didn’t expect any of you to pay that much attention. Kind of Andy-Kauffman-esk in that it’s a joke I really only got (until I explained it to you). Another similarity you might notice is that this entry shared a similar format to it’s predecessor until the start of this paragraph, which would be the 13th paragraph. The Valentines entry didn’t have a 13th paragraph, but ended on the 12th which said “For some reason I know I need to write a few more paragraphs, but I don't know what to write them about. Oh well, I'll figure it out later.” Which of course I did figure out later…in this entry. Gese….The more I explain this the more I think to myself that really the entry is the most intelligently designed*(do you believe in Evolution?) entry, to the point where it only makes sense to the designer: Myself. There are too many hints and clues that relate to the Valentines entry that only someone obsessing about that entry, or having typed it himself, would notice. I guess it makes for good reading in that you could read these two entries dozens of times over finding the similarities and references between and within the two. It’s as if this one is making an attempt to takeov…..fuck that’s just too damn obvious.

Well I did say in my Valentines entry that I needed to write a few more paragraphs, and “this is more than one but indefinitely small in number”. The reason this entry is so great, is that if you want, you can read it again. I can pretty much guarantee there are more congruencies with the Valentines entry, and deliberate incongruence that I think you’ll find entertaining every time you find another. Anyways, my plan is to post this entry before midnight (of course you are reading it right now, so you already know that), and then repost my oh so entertaining (to me) entry with the text “Made you look” after midnight, making it appear as if the entries were posted further apart than they will, adding to the illusion. Hope you enjoyed this.
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