NOT the Greatest Blog in the World

Feb 14, 2007 21:49

"This is a preface to the Greatest Blog in the World." Not neccesarily meaning that the next entry that I post will be the fabled entry, but rather consider it foreshadowing. Questions you might ask are "Does this mean the GBITW(Greatest Blog in the World) will be about a similar topic?" Not exactly. What does "greatest" mean anyways? Most intelligently written, intelligently designed*(do you believe in Evolution?), about the most important topic in the world? It could be any of those three, none of them, and all of them at the same time. Now read this and anticipate the GREATEST BLOG IN THE WORLD!!!(STILL coming to an internet tube near you)

Anyways, now a boring entry about my day: I was texting some friends today, wishing them a happy Valentines when I learned something new. (I do that about every day). My particular phone does not have the word "Valentines" saved in it's predictive text. You can imagine my suprise when I read back my text to see I had written "happy takeover day!" Takeover is an odd word for my phone to choose. First of all, Valentines had more letters than takeover, but I guess there's no other words with that many letters and it just boiled it down to the closest one and stopped typing: takeover. I can think of several different words that would better describe valentines day, but takeover is pretty damn funny. Perhaps it's because takeover can describe what Hallmark did to this "holiday", transforming a tradition of handwritten heartfelt notes to the exchange of generic greeting cards. Or perhaps takeover is a word used to describe what the holiday does to the media, the general public, and all in all the atmosphere of February 14th. Notice anything about the yahoo start page, the google start page, or even livejournal? They all have some stupid heart or special logo, or story about "love."

"John, you're a bitter son of a bitch because you didn't have a Valentine and you had to work all day!"


I seriously considered not expressing my views on Valentines day in respect to the feelings of others but I decided fuck it. I hate Valentines day through and through. Last year I did have a "Valentine" and ya know what, I think I disliked it more than this Valentines day. It's not that anything bad happened, I just can't stand the propaganda surrounding it. If you're dating someone, and it takes a holiday where you're basically told you have to spend it with them, to get off your lazy ass and take her to a nice spa(it was busy at work today), then you are a very bad half of that couple....don't get me wrong though, the lack of feeling may be mutual and you are both shitty. I just really thoroughly don't enjoy Valentines.

So that's my rant about Valentines day. I sincerely hope you had a fantastic February the 14th, I really do. I hold no grudge against anyone who puts what is in my opinion, false stock, but stock nonetheless, into Valentines Day. If you are dating someone, I hope you went to a nice restaurant and spent a fantastic evening with them. If you are single, I hope perhaps you found the courage to tell that friend of yours that hey....she's kinda cute and you would love to take her out sometime. Maybe you're among that couple that finally said the words




For the first time in your relationship.

Damn, I started that last paragraph off like I was going to quit talking about this holiday, and then I got sucked into another tangent. See how the concept staged a "takeover" on my blog? I don't care enough about V-day to type this much...I'm going to have to perform an excorcism to get this hell bent idea of love being more predominant fourteen days into the second month of the new year. I'm scheduling it for midnight tonight.

For some reason I know I need to write a few more paragraphs, but I don't know what to write them about. Oh well, I'll figure it out later.
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