Merlin/Arthur Kiss Meme 2!

Oct 01, 2010 09:17

♥ Merlin/Arthur Kiss Meme II ♥

This meme is all about Merlin/Arthur kisses! \o/ Lots and lots of kisses! Be they sweet and fluffy, hot and dirty, or just necking like teenagers, any kisses are welcome! The more the better!

The rules:
1. No porn (that's what the kink meme is for), just kisses ( Read more... )

merlin/arthur kiss meme

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Counting Kisses sleepy_orange October 2 2010, 08:13:55 UTC
(I am beyond happy that this is my first Merlin fic, and pretty much the only thing I've written in a year. XD)

Counting Kisses

It wasn’t their first kiss. Or their second. Or third. Or any number that Arthur might have found significant. It was a kiss in a sea of kisses. Short and perfunctory, a little peck on the lips before he leaves for work. It was an absent-minded kiss, given while he struggled with his tie and tried to chew on his toast, all the while talking hurriedly on the phone, trying to settle some crisis or other at the office. It spoke of a routine, a habit borne out of a lifetime of kisses, all given willing and received joyfully.


Arthur remembered a time (lifetimes ago) when counting his kisses mean something, when the first was harsh and desperate, loud voices coming up behind them as he pushed Merlin away - away from Camelot, away from him. When the second tasted of bitter relief at finally finding him again after years of desperate searching. And when the third felt like goodbye, as he laid in the field, surrounded by his dead men, his own broken body sinking deep into the mud.

Three kisses. Three kisses to last a lifetime of battles and wars, of marriage to a woman who looked at him and saw someone else, of betrayal and death. He had counted those three kisses, had kept them close to his heart and made them last a lifetime.


He’d stopped counting this time round after their fifth date, losing count somewhere between twenty-three and thirty when Merlin had caught on to his mental calculations and worked to erase all thoughts not Merlin from his mind. They kissed during New Year’s Eve, a drunken sort of kiss, a little messy, but happy. They shared embarrassed kisses under the mistletoe that one time Morgana had tricked them. They snogged to the sound of people clapping and cheering, wolf-whistling even as they were shouted at to get a room, hands groping at each other as they danced at their wedding.

Athur didn’t know why they were here now; why he’d been brought back, why he’d been given Merlin again. He just assumed that this was destiny’s way of making it up to him after the complete mess that was his life the first time round. He had been king once - the greatest king Albion had ever known. Now he was just a man, working like a normal person, hair slowly turning grey as age caught up with him, and free to love without counting.


Re: Counting Kisses ras_elased October 2 2010, 16:37:14 UTC
Oh, this is fantastic! So sad and then happy at the end, and I do love reincarnation fics! :)


Re: Counting Kisses sleepy_orange October 30 2010, 10:09:31 UTC
(Late reply, so sorry)

Thank you! I do have a soft spot for reincarnation fics. :)


Re: Counting Kisses dornfelder October 6 2010, 13:56:00 UTC
Lovely. Also, I like that they kiss so casually in this, that they're in a long relationship.
Only three kisses in canon!verse to last a liftetime... yes, that's sad, but believable.


Re: Counting Kisses sleepy_orange October 30 2010, 10:10:38 UTC
(Late reply, so sorry)

Thank you for the lovely comment. I like to think that Arthur can take something as small as a kiss for granted now. :)


Re: Counting Kisses alba17 October 7 2010, 23:50:17 UTC
Awwww! That's wonderful. So bittersweet. "Three kisses to last a lifetime..." *sniff* Lovely.


Re: Counting Kisses sleepy_orange October 30 2010, 10:11:20 UTC
(Late reply, so sorry)

Thank you so much for the lovely comment. :)


Re: Counting Kisses ladyagnew October 30 2010, 08:11:05 UTC
I love how the epic angst of their past lives was balanced by the ordinary sweetness of Arthur's modern re-incarnated life. And how he thinks: this is my reward. Oh.


Re: Counting Kisses sleepy_orange October 30 2010, 10:08:16 UTC
Thank you so much for the comment. :) And hey, Arthur deserves a reward, yes? :P


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