A Gift For Articcat621: Sweet, Warm Love (Hermione/Charlie, PG-13)

Dec 26, 2021 17:10

Hi everyone, we're sorry for the late start! We hope you had a nice holiday and without any more wait, we'll being the 2021-2022 Winter Rare Pair Shorts Exchange Fest!

Author: paulamcg
Recipient: articcat621
Title: Sweet, Warm Love
Pairing: Hermione/Charlie
Rating: PG-13
Art Medium: coloured pencils
Summary: A baby dragon and a benevolent snowwitch witness a romantic moment.
Author's Notes: Thank you, articcat621, for the prompts, which inspired me to do art instead of fic! Out of the seven you listed, I tried to fit in five: Christmas proposal, a Weasley Christmas Sweater, snowed in together, building a snowman together, and dessert in front of the fireplace. :)

.fic exchange: winter 2021-2022, *het, pairing: charlie/hermione

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