FESTIVE FUN: Regular Candy Canes (Hermione/Neville)

Dec 23, 2021 21:04

Title: Regular Candy Canes
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Neville Longbottom
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 302
Summary: Hermione shares some candy with Neville.
Author's Notes: Written for the prompt, 'candy cane.'

Read on A03.

“Hey, Neville,” Hermione greeted him, sliding onto the sofa next to him. “Have a candy cane.” She pressed it into his hand before making herself comfortable. The fire was roaring and the Common Room was full of students, all of them lounging about lazily with full bellies after a bustling Christmas day.

Neville looked at the red and white striped candy that she had given him. “Is it magical?”

“No, just a regular candy cane.” Hermione laughed, shaking her head as she stripped the wrapping off of hers. “Although, I dread to think about what Fred and George could concoct in that shoppe of theirs involving candy canes.” She pretended to shudder in horror. “Don’t mention that to Ron… Might give them ideas.” She sucked the straight end eagerly into her mouth.

Neville went to open his candy, but he was quickly distracted, watching as Hermione sucked on her own candy. He stared at her until she finally took the candy out of her mouth and looked at him funny.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, looking at him curiously.

Neville blushed, revealing his thoughts to her immediately.

Hermione’s eyes widened in delight as she caught on. “Oh, Neville Longbottom! You do have a naughty side!” She laughed, looking far too pleased with the revelation. “Is it me? Or the action that’s got you going?” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“Hermione,” Neville said quickly, shaking his head. “Shhh, keep it down! If people hear… I’ll never live it down!” He looked around the Common Room to make sure no one heard her.

“Don’t worry, Nev, I’ll keep your secret for now.” She winked at him before sticking the candy back in her mouth, sucking it provocatively on purpose now.

Neville groaned in frustration, hiding his face in his hands, his own candy long forgotten.

user: articcat621, *het, pairing: neville/hermione, .fest: festive fun 2021

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