A Gift for paulamcg: Be the Gryffindor, Neville/Luna

Dec 27, 2020 18:45

Author: keyflight790
Recipient: paulamcg
Title: Be the Gryffindor
Pairing: Neville/Luna
Rating: M
Word Count/Art Medium: 1405
Summary: Neville didn't say what he wanted, but maybe he doesn't have to.
Author's Notes: Thank you to my beta, @cheerful_clatter, and thank you to paulamcG for your amazing prompts! I hope you enjoy this one! Thanks so much!

Be the Gryffindor )

*het, pairing: luna/neville, user: keyflight790, .fic exchange: winter 2020-2021

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Comments 3

paulamcg December 27 2020, 20:53:02 UTC
Oh my heart! You've just made me feel all warm and blessed, better than any other two blankets could have! I'm so glad I was encouraged to sign up for this exchange: I (too) was asked what I wanted, and I was enough of a Gryffindor to answer! Thank you for this amazing gift ( ... )


smirkingcat December 27 2020, 22:58:13 UTC
this really has it all!
and i did so enjoy neville and luna
and how luna took it into her own hand to get the man who wants her ;)
but also neville is just amazing the way you wrote him!
this was a wonderful read !


articcat621 January 17 2021, 19:41:23 UTC
Oh my heart, I absolutely adored this. Luna is just perfectly written, and I love that she's finally able to coax it out of Neville. Wonderfully done <3


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