A Gift for paulamcg: Be the Gryffindor, Neville/Luna

Dec 27, 2020 18:45

Author: keyflight790
Recipient: paulamcg
Title: Be the Gryffindor
Pairing: Neville/Luna
Rating: M
Word Count/Art Medium: 1405
Summary: Neville didn't say what he wanted, but maybe he doesn't have to.
Author's Notes: Thank you to my beta, @cheerful_clatter, and thank you to paulamcG for your amazing prompts! I hope you enjoy this one! Thanks so much!

Be the Gryffindor )

*het, pairing: luna/neville, user: keyflight790, .fic exchange: winter 2020-2021

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paulamcg December 27 2020, 20:53:02 UTC
Oh my heart! You've just made me feel all warm and blessed, better than any other two blankets could have! I'm so glad I was encouraged to sign up for this exchange: I (too) was asked what I wanted, and I was enough of a Gryffindor to answer! Thank you for this amazing gift!

You've made me realise that something I adore is a vivid portrayal of aftermath-of-battle Neville. (I love the character whom he'd become by the end of DH, but because I still continue in my only-first-five-books-consistent ficverse, I couldn't possibly write anything like this myself.) And yours is absolutely wonderful.

The references to a toad stuffy and bubble gum wrappers help me reach the illusion that I'm sharing this night with Neville. I can feel I'm right there, having the second blanket spread across my body. And that's already my wish granted. But you go on and let Luna make it all ever more blissful.

Your Luna is another dream come true. She's so perfectly Luna with her no-nonsense attitude and caring. And you make me believe Luna and Neville are perfect for each other, also because of the way Neville admits that what she says makes sense. :)

And I feel your Neville's so himself in his self-consciousness and embarrassment, and his sincere devotion to Luna. I so much enjoy and admire also the humorous tone you've achieved in these great lines:

“N-norse,” Neville muttered, embarrassingly combining his two immediate responses. “I mean...no, of course not. ...
“And a shirt!” Neville exclaimed, louder than he should have.

Thank you so much again, Mystery Author! <3


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