The Big Reveal!

Jan 19, 2011 22:18

At long, long last, we have reached the Big Reveal! As with every year, thank you so much for your participation and patience. An enormous thank you and round of applause to all because, as we mentioned earlier, no one dropped out! Huzzah!

Please feel free to crosspost your fics wherever you'd like, and don't forget to comment on the stories if you haven't already. As always, if you spot any mistakes, please point them out; we also appreciate general feedback on the exchange.

And with that...

And the Lies, Well, He Clutched Them Close to His Heart [PG-13]; Gilderoy Lockhart/Severus Snape
by scarysnapey for miss_morland

Count To Ten [PG]; Antonin Dolohov/Bellatrix Black-Lestrange
by alley_skywalker for scarysnapey

Daydreaming [R]; Harry Potter/Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter/Gilderoy Lockhart (sort of)
by flaminia_x for jessicaqueen

Dream Weaver [PG-13]; Tom Riddle/Ginny Weasley (background Harry/Ginny)
by luvscharlie for fiery_flamingo

Dressing for Success [G]; Luna Lovegood/Blaise Zabini
by swissmarg for ellielove_x3

Friendship [PG-13]; Severus Snape/Evan Rosier
by curia_regis for alley_skywalker

Let's be disrespectful and wildly inappropriate together [PG-13] George Weasley/Hermione Granger
by martinius for flaminia_x

Loneliness [R]; Narcissa Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass (background Lucius/Narcissa and Draco/Astoria)
by scarletladyy for dexstarr

Love Like Lies [PG]; Seamus Finnigan/Pansy Parkinson
by fiery_flamingo for purelush

Lungs [PG-13]; Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley
by captainpookey for leigh_adams

Making the Most of an Unusual Situation [R]; Draco Malfoy/Regulus Black
by jessicaqueen for deathlydragon

Of Bad Faith and Good Love [PG-13]; Lucius Malfoy/Luna Lovegood
by briony_tallis for swissmarg

Portrait of Love, Rituals [G-PG]; Luna Lovegood/Hermione Granger
by uniquepov for martinius

Ring A-Ring O’ Roses [PG-13]; Severus Snape/Molly Weasley (with Severus Snape/Lily Evans)
by gelsey for absolutelybatty

Some Kind of Nothingness [R]; Narcissa Malfoy/Vittoria Zabini (mentions of Narcissa/Bellatrix, Narcissa/Lucius, and Lucius/others)
by a_shadow_there for deathjunke

Six Months is a Leaky Boat. [PG-13]; Remus Lupin/Regulus Black
by mop_cat for captainpookey

Taboo [PG]; Narcissa Malfoy/Lily Evans
by deathjunke for seatbeltdrivein

The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth [R]; Ginny Weasley/Cho Chang
by seatbeltdrivein for a_shadow_there

The Ladies in Red [PG-13]; Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil
by ellielove_x3 for briony_tallis

The Mole's Tale [PG-13]; Louis Weasley/Teddy Lupin
by deathlydragon for mop_cat

The Wizard and the Warlock [G]; Gilderoy Lockhart/Severus Snape
by miss_morland for curia_regis

To Make Fit Again [PG-13]; Arthur Weasley/Bellatrix Lestrange (with Molly/Arthur and hinted Voldemort/Bellatrix)
by absolutelybatty for gelsey

Toujours Fidèle [R]; Narcissa Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
by dexstarr for scarletladyy

Unexpected Beginning [PG]; Hermione Granger/Neville Longbottom
by restlessme for uniquepov

White Blank Page [R]; Bill Weasley/Pansy Parkinson
by leigh_adams for restlessme

You've Got the Love [PG]; Charlie Weasley/Millicent Bulstrode
by purelush for luvscharlie

TTFN, friends. :)

pairing: narcissa/pansy, user: restlessme, user: a_shadow_there, .round-up, pairing: tom/ginny, !mod announcement, user: dexstarr, .fic exchange: winter 2010-2011, *slash, user: seatbeltdrivein, user: purelush, user: scarysnapey, user: scarletladyy, user: martinius, pairing: severus/molly, user: captainpookey, pairing: narcissa/astoria, pairing: pansy/bill, pairing: draco/regulus, pairing: george/hermione, pairing: antonin/bellatrix, user: jessicaqueen, user: curia_regis, user: miss_morland, pairing: narcissa/mrs zabini, pairing: neville/harry, user: gelsey, user: mop_cat, user: uniquepov, pairing: lavender/parvati, pairing: louis/teddy, user: bluemermaid, user: deathjunke, pairing: ginny/cho, pairing: remus/regulus, pairing: narcissa/lily, pairing: lucius/luna, pairing: charlie/millicent, *het, user: flaminia_x, *femslash, user: ellielove_x3, pairing: harry/gilderoy, pairing: bill/fleur, pairing: seamus/pansy, user: luvscharlie, pairing: arthur/bellatrix, pairing: gilderoy/severus, user: leigh_adams, user: alley_skywalker, user: fiery_flamingo, pairing: severus/evan rosier, user: absolutelybatty, pairing: neville/hermione, pairing: luna/blaise, user: deathlydragon, pairing: hermione/luna

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