*emo tear*

Apr 14, 2007 00:11

Since when has it been ok to not keep your word?

Words have lost their value. And we are all to blame.

Why have we, as a society, been allowed to be so irresponsible?

We throw away words, promises, and commitments at a moments notice, forgetting that in the meantime our own integrity is being compromised. Threats are made, promises are given, all at the beat of a heart and forgotten in half the time.

Maybe it is because the subconscious is believed to be the most honest viewpoint into a persons head. Hence the need for a 'quick-second-response' or 'what-are-you-thinking-right-now' as if there is a need to the catch the only honest answer. As if thinking makes a person dishonest. We have forgotten why it is wise to think before speaking, why a well-thought-out answer is so much better than a quick cursory response. Discernment, honesty and wisdom have all become commodities.

I blame it on our society. Every thing has to be so nice and PC so that no one offends anyone. If there is an offense then the offended is too afraid of putting the offender in their place, because god forbid, they might by chance offend them. Being so afraid to step on toes has created a climate of dishonesty. Not just with others, but with ourselves. A lot like with the whole idea of not spanking your children because it might be misconstrued as child abuse. Shoot. Some children need to be spanked. Some don’t. There are different methods. Either way works. Ok sorry I digress.

Let's take a look at which phrases are consistently misused without any meaning.

"let's hang out sometime" --seriously. only say that unless you intend on calling that person that very week and committing a time to spend quality time with that person. It has gotten to the point of being so over used that everyone widely acknowledges that the hanging out promised most likely will not happen.

"i love you" love is a powerful word. way too powerful. unfortunately, many people know the weight of that that word and use it to manipulate others. Maybe it used for the say-ie's benefit in conjunction with sex, loneliness, or emotional needs. Rarely is it used for its real meaning, and in consequence such a powerful word has lost most of its meaning and power.

'do death do us part'--no need to explain. the divorce rate does a pretty good job at that.

there are some others but i cant remember them right now.

But seriously. No one is held accountable for what they say anymore. Not a second thought is given to what you say to someone, and an apology with the obligatory 'i didn't intend to' or the 'that's not what i meant to do' or the even better 'things change',

I know there is still hope. There are still people out there who has that rare thing called integrity. Use it. Don't make commitments you cannot keep. Don't tell a girl you like what you know she wants to hear, and most especially don't make a promise even if there is a shadow of a doubt that you cannot keep it.

Maybe this is the bitter rantings of a disillusioned girl who has had too many people in her life who have made promises only to be broken, or too many guys profess affection only to disprove it, too many friends have broken commitments to readily believe them. Maybe I have become a bit of a misanthrope. If so...that sucks.

But maybe I’m on to something. Maybe not enough people have said anything about it. Perhaps too many people are fine with the status quo, too many people are fine with how life is and are ok to just go with the flow. Hopefully some people read this and agree. If majority does read this and doesn’t care. Oh well, your loss. At least I’m speaking up.
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