Letters, collection, trial

Nov 18, 2022 20:45

"Does the Brotherhood..." She tried to think of a polite way to say what she wanted, "do they keep an eye on the letters students send and receive."

Silfiya flashed a slightly bemused smile. "The Brotherhood takes its secrets seriously. They do occational spot checks to be sure no one is saying too much, especially those whose parents are not Meim."

"Have they been checking mine?" Sray asked.

"You write like you assume someone you don't want to read it, will." Silfiya remarked casually. "In addition you do it in Kamenan to narrow the pool of people here who can."

While Sray had expected the Meim would check letters home, hearing it from Silfiya so casually was still a shock. "You've read my letters home?" Sray asked, bordering on accusatory. "And those from home? Do you check on those, too?"

"Better me than someone else." Silfiya countered. "And not all of them."

Sray frowned back at her.

"You asked," Silfiya looked at Sray over the tops of her glasses. "You guessed it might be done, don't act so surpised that your suspicion was confirmed." She pushed the glasses back up her nose.

"Why you?"

"I think it would be obvious why I would be the one tasked with that." Silfiya replied. "I know the language and I know you. Mishor thought it would be wisest in case you were not quite so careful in your writing. "If I didn't know your real story it would all be very mundane. It really is just the first year." Silfiya assured. "The Brotherhood assumes loyalty for the most part, though it can vary depending on the Hafitch. They are not all Danrick Mishor. There are random checks here and there, though I did have quite a bit or reading to do after Tosef DeMyur." She frowned. "Bigoted idiot."

"How bad was it?" Sray couldn't help asking.

"I'm sure you can imagine some of the things written home. Mishor had prepared a statement and preemptively sent letters out ahead of the usual schedule to explain things and make it clear that any questions or problems be directed to him or go straight to the Gordie'en."

"Does Mishor ... collect people? I just couldn't help to notice that the staff here is quite international."

"Collect is an interesting word." Silfya said. "He has grand plans and he likes having people around him who align with those plans. His father was a Hafitch himself for some years before being called up on the Gordie'en Council. He has been to almost all of the schools on Alast and tries to stay appraised of what is happeneing as best as he is able. Finding you was, I am told, a most happy accident."

"They were not actively looking for me?"

"Here at Engama? No. They were not looking for you."

"Do you think Dayfid Hillenbohn was?"

Silfiya shook her head. "I don't know. I left before you were born. I don't know why he suddenly started poking around in Geteilpohth. I imagine he stopped because your mother left."

"Tosef DeMyur, Puntel, and Gerrod Illenmar," Yurrein Nelendor addressed them in Kamenan, there was a translator with them. "You all claim to have been acting under some duress, but even then, according to the witnesses, you built constructs in a public place in the presence of those who were, and still are, not members of the Brotherhood. How do you plead?"

Yurrein is a clerk for the Gordie'en Council. He has some secretarial duties, he handles some incoming messages and records, like the lists of students inducted into the order. I know he was around for the trial. I don't know if he would be the mouthpiece for the Council or simply be taking notes. If he is actively involved I could see him getting a touch emotional at points.

lemyes: danrick mishor, lemyes, lemyes: yurrein nelendor, lemyes: silfiya detowr, lemyes: brotherhood of the mime, lemyes: sray

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