Kenbin and Kayrin, other snippets

Nov 30, 2021 21:07

Slowly he re-buttoned his coat and pulled his hat back down over his ears. As he started pulling on his gloves, Kayrin opened the letter. Task accomplished he turned to go.

"Do you know what this letter says?" Kenbin stopped and looked back to see Kayrin looking down at him over the letter.

"I do, madam, yes." He clasped his hands behind his back.

"And how long have you known?" She questioned.

She had to ask that one. "Well," He began, drawing the word out in a long exhale. Standing there under her severe stare he felt like a child caught in a lie. "I was the first to know, madam."

"How long?" She folded the letter and crossed her arms.

"Coming up on two years." He admitted begrudingly.

It was obvious she had not been expecting that for an answer as her eyes widened and there was a sharp intake of breath. She brought the letter up again and re-scanned the contents. Her eyes fixed on him again. "How did you find out?"

"That's a bit of a long story to tell out here in the cold and I rode all night to get here besides. I'd like to get back to town and sleep before I return."

Her blue eyes were more piercing cold than the wind. That might have been a rude response, even if it was true. "I mean-" he back-pedaled "it really is a long story, but I'm not exactly," he grimaced, "allowed to talk about the details."

"Details about the Meim?" She questioned cooly.

"What did you say?"

"You know our family secret, we know the school's. How did you find out about Sray's father?"

Sray was acutely aware of the eyes that followed her. It was a range from suspicion and distrust to fear. She did that. One stupid mistake and nearly everyone had a negative opinion of her. No one said anything to her face. After what she did to Ashtim no one dared and the omnipresence of various instructors by her side kept what few might have tried at bay. In the dorm room and at meals were the only times she didn't have the immediate buffer of another adult, but they weren't far, just outside the door in the room and sitting at the head of the hall.

"I did have something else planned for this last week, but given the events of the weekend and Ristan, I think we are going to take a slight detour." Serrith leaned against the table at the head of the classroom. "Last week we started discussing how the Ela'yan government dissolved and then reorganized."

This marks the last day of Miniwrimo! I will be back to posting friends only after today until next year!

lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: kayrin hillenbohn, lemyes, lemyes: kith serrith, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: sray, lemyes: kenbin mounthyuns

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