Random bits all around

Nov 16, 2021 21:40

Theluhs Shtorpfyl was built like Johnus Pfyllat, but not quite so massive. His hair was thick, dark, and tied back contrasting with his lightly tanned skin with dark eyes set under heavy lids. He had a thin, trimmed goatee that showed a smattering of grey hairs.

Sray regarded Kem skeptically. "I plan on doing a lot of climbing and I was planning on doing it as ... well, myself."

"You know me," Kem shrugged, "I don't mind."

Sray scrunched one side of her nose briefly as she considered Kem. "Fine, you can follow."

"I guess there's a reason you got along so well with those mules." Thelus commented as he lifted a pair of neckcollars off of their hooks.

"They are a nice team." Sray said.

"And they generally don't take to new people quite so quickly." He handed her one of the collars.

"What do I call you?" Sherod asked.

"I am called Teigan Hillenbohn Sollit."

"Hillenbohn Sollit?" Sherod questioned.

Teigan shook his head, as if it should have been obvious, but he explained anyway, perhaps it would quiet Sherod. "Your wife received your name, did she not? Klamon," he frowned as he thought of the word, "trade names. I received her and her name just as she received me and mine. I am Teigan Hillenbohn Sollit and she is Kayrin Sollit Hillenbohn."

"Huh," Sherod cocked his head as he thought. "That is a way to do it, I guess." He shrugged and continued, "Ok, Teigan Hillenbohn Sollit ..."

"What are you doing?" Teigan asked as Sherod suddenly halted and swung off his horse before pulling off his outer cloak and shirt and draping them over the saddle.

"If we are going to get you past the doors I need to look the part at least." Sherod said as he pulled a bright white long sleeved shirt out of the bag and shivvered as the cold fabric touched his skin. "Unannounced visits during term are unusual, especially the route we're taking and it is going to be dark by the time we get there to boot." Next out of the saddle bags was a long grey robe, which he shrugged on, pulled the hood up, and tied the sash around his waist before thowing his outer cloak over it and stuffing his other shirt back in the bags. He swung back up into the saddle and turned to face Teigan.

"I just know these are here to deter someone who doesn't belong here and alert the school. I had to set and check some of these as a teenager about midway through my schooling. They're redone every couple of years."

"He was voted to head the council three years ago," Rothan continued.

Getier clans are made up of multiple family groups and are lead by a council of Elders. I'm not sure if joining the council of Elders is an automatic thing at a certain age or if one is selected and voted in. The leadership of the council is voted on every five years.

lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes, lemyes: teigan sollit, lemyes: sherod kalden, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: kem aldai, lemyes: sray

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