Visiting the Keystone and Yurrein keeps throwing himself in there

Nov 15, 2021 15:06

"If he felt we could all come back we would." Sray said.

"What brings you here?" Rothan asked, releasing her embrace somewhat to hold Sray's shoulders instead.

"I need to speak with the Elders." Sray said. "I have a message for them."

"What is the message about?"

"I appear to be continuing my parents' and your work of diplomacy. The Meim are seeking reconciliation of sorts."

Rothan stared at Sray. "How did you get mixed up with them?"

It was a better response than Meilah's, he still hadn't quite warmed back up after she mentioned the Brotherhood. "The Hillenbohn line is deep in the Meim and it is so much more than that, but I have to do this first. Would the Elders meet with me today?"

"We'll find out." Rothan patted Sray's shoulder and gave her a tight-lipped smile. Sray got her mule settled and followed Rothan down to the heart of the Keystone. The town was built into the clifface, the easiest way down was simply to jump and glide, but Sray had no full Klamon form. She was pleased to see the route that had been made for Kayrin nearly thirty years ago was still functional. It was hidden behind an outcropping with a trapdoor that could be locked from the inside. Rothan slipped into the opening first and Sray shut it behind them. Slots cut into the stone turned from handholds into steps that spiraled tightly down, lit by a strip of light that circled the inner spiral point. The entry placed them at the deepest top corner and Rothan continued to lead the way down ladders, stairs, and drops as they wove between buildings and through small courtyards.

One would think after five years among the Meim Sray would be used to staring eyes and suspicious looks. Even among the Getier she stood out with her pale ochre fur and light brown markings, though it did run in the family, Rothan shared Sray's coloring. Sray reminded herself that she belonged here. This was her first home, even if she had been gone longer than she had lived here now. With a deep breath she checked her posture and matched Rothan's purposeful gait, owning the space she was moving through.

"Your Intafa leads the council now." Rothan started as they walked.

"I don't know if that is a good thing." Sray replied.

"Well," Rothan glanced back at Sray, "he has regrets about how things happened before you all left, if that means anything to you. It probably wouldn't to Teigan."

"He doesn't talk much about Intafa, though he blames my grandfather more."

"As he should." Rothan replied. "The man was insufferable to deal with during the trade negotiations. Hard to forget a person like that," she snorted, "even if you want to. It's amazing he managed to sire any respectable get, let alone your mother."

Sray let out a short, dry laugh. "I can tell you age hasn't softened him much. I ran into him a couple years ago and he remains insufferable."

Yurrein is like Tos, he just wants to take everything over and be rather noisy in the story. Except Tos does it with poetry and romantic overtures and Yurrein just pushily inserts himself in there and isn't really trying to be endearing at all.

Rothan's gaze was fixed on Yurrein Nelendor. Yurrein raised his brows. "Can I help you?" He asked.

Her ears folded back and her nostrils flared in a final analytical sniff. "You're lucky Humans don't pay much attention to what their noses can tell them."

"I'm not sure I get what you mean." He replied, a slighy nervous tremor in his voice.

Rothan flicked one ear briefly forward and then turned it back again. "You don't have to play dumb with me. I just never expected that there were any outside of my nieces and nephew."

"Ah, yes, well that isn't something I am ready to have others know." He adjusted his outer robe and brushed off something from his sleeve. "Timing isn't right."

Rothan's ears swiveled forward again as she appraised him. "The others will know if they get within ten feet of you. What do you want to do about that?"

"That man, Nelendor," Rothan nodded her head in his direction, "What is his story?"

"Well," Sray began, taking in a big breath to prepare herself for getting into that. "You noticed something different about him?"

"Did you think he could just sneak in here and not be noticed?" Rothan questioned.

"I told him it was a bad idea." Sray said. "He wanted to come with me when I first crossed over, but that was something I had to do myself."

"Well, where did he come from?"

"You're not going to believe it. I didn't believe it at first, but he is a part of a whole clan of hybrids who descended from the Human women who took part in the experiments."

That was not what Rothan was expecting to hear. Her ears riveted forward and her eyes were wide, searching Sray's face.

"I told you you wouldn't believe it, but it's true."

"A whole clan." Rothan repeated in disbelief. "How many are there?"

"He says a little over three hundred. The women fled to and settled on Lunais. They took records with them." Sray looked down and noticed she was fidgeting her fingers, frowning she laced them together and made them still. "They managed to preserve the names of all Klamon who were used in the experiments. Aunt Rothan ... did you know Kijoth was hybrid?"

lemyes: heat of the flame, lemyes: hybrid klamon, lemyes: rothan sollit belrohth, lemyes: yurrein nelendor, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: sray

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