Klamon clothing and other stuff

Jun 18, 2021 16:20

I had a bunch of stuff that apparently was lost in draft limbo so some of this is repeats some of it isn't, some of it is variations on prior things because I rewrote stuff when I thought it was lost.

Dolbschekt Klamon with satchel.

Brehtsoln Klamon wearing a wrap with a pocket, pulling out a small book.

I'm playing with clothing and other things with the Klamon. I'm also thinking I need to update the reference sheets for each race/type as the old ones are well over 15 years old I am sure.

Since they have three forms, including the human one I imagine they don't run around completely naked all the time. Only females have pouches and there's probably a taboo about shoving things in the place babies are meant to be so some sort of clothing or accessory that allows you to carry stuff and, if the human form is desired, cover up a bit/protect important body parts that dangle more than they do in their natural and half forms.

Teigan knew the Mime were involved around wanting Kayrin out of Getier land. Having Sray selected by the Mime was a double blow. The Mime exploited the Klamon, Klamon retaliated and the wars started. The Mime preferred to stoke the fires if distrust than face the Klamon

My Intafa barely saw 60 years before the wars took him. He fought long and hard, seeking revenge and his own brand of justice. Clearing his name in his own mind after the mistake of his impatience. Then my mother, my dear, sweet mother who took so many secrets to her grave. She just managed 32 years before the weight of her ordeal crushed her. And here I am, a hundred ten years. They thought I was too weak to wage war. I may not have had much fire in me, but I have proved robust in other ways.

The Klamon religions all have a similar base. Names and exact order of "birth" may vary, but the chief god is the Great Organizer and the three siblings created all things through its (his, her, it? May vary) power. Three siblings, fire, ice, electricity, birthed by the Great Organizer. Master manipulator of matter.

lemyes: kijoth sollit, lemyes: klamon

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