
May 22, 2021 05:54

"I could do it." He threatened. "It is a little tricky, but I can do it."

"You wouldn't. It's illegal."

Danrick looked at the other man. "And you are a bright shiny beacon of morality?" He questioned. "It wouldn't take much, just a thin layer would do it. Right here." He drew a finger across his own neck. "That's all it would take. Block off your air and bloodflow to your brain. You'd be dead in a minute."

"They would strip you of rank and title and lock you away for the rest of your life."

"It would be worth it to stop you once and for all. It would save a lot of trouble and time over a trial."

"And then who would protect your precious half-breeds?"

Using Mime structures within the human body outside of possible medical uses is extreme taboo. Danrick would have to be extremely pissed off to even think of threatening to do this. My first instinct says it is Alekandler Tridan he is talking to.

Making a Mime structure within a living thing is exceptionally tricky anyway. The atoms and molecules in cells are bound together in their own way and the Mime structure has to disrupt that.

lemyes: danrick mishor, lemyes, lemyes: brotherhood of the mime

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