Miniwrimo day 26

Nov 26, 2023 21:36

She suddenly felt heavy and overburdened. It had felt so right in the moment. The most obvious thing to do and say. Truly it was what she wanted. If she could do it, she would see Klamon in these mountains again, but how? Thankfully the divine are not known for their tight timetables.

She slowly made her way back to the entrance. The door shut heavily behind her. She stared at it, lifted up her hand and touched her fingers to the wood, tracing the grain thoughtfully. There should be Klamon here. They should be able to reclaim their old lands and serve as stewards for it once more. She knew what it was like to be banished from your homeland. Straightening she inhaled again, allowing the breath to lift her alongside her resolution.

"I'll be back." She promised

So thinking about when this may happen (if it happens). Second term she would have a chance to discuss the incident with Teigan, if it is during third term, more likely, she would not be able to discuss it and the attack would threaten to push it out of her mind.

Who stayed the hand of death? That first bullet barely missed. The deities can't completely frustrate one's will to choose and do, but they can help stack things in your favor. That essential first shot missed, whether it was straight up bad marksmanship or a fly buzzing in an ear at exactly the right time we may never know.

Back in her own bed she wrapped herself in her own exhaustion and slept like the dead.

"You promised." The words whispered at the edges of her consciousness. There were shadows and vague impressions of faces. She found herself standing in the center of a large room carved out of the living stone. The energy was familiar, alive and active but the space looked so different lit. Markings started high on the walls and circling to the center, terminating in a hole. The floor was also etched and dyed, the designs vaguely familiar but different enough to make her unsure of their exact meaning and purpose. "You promised." The words came as a hundred whispers with no single source.

She spun, trying to find a fixed point to address, but no one was there. "I know I promised, but I don't know if I can."

The air seemed to exhale out of the space in a long-suffering sigh. "If you try the way will be laid before you."

"Just give me a few, I have to put in a charge so the boat keeps running."

Kallon watched as Dheillan grabbed the two metal handles on the edge of the large vat. Dheillan inhaled, folding his ears back and closing his eyes as his fingers readjusted and then solidified their grip. Kallon could feel heat building, but knew it wasn't heat Dheillan was conducting into the battery. Kallon barely dared to breathe as Dheillan stood tall and still, though small ripples in his fur betrayed the movement of the energy. After ten minutes Dheillan blew out a sharp breath and lifted his hands, a few stray snapping sparks seeming to protest his release of the grips.

"Too much, too fast and you'll blow the battery. You Getier and the Toltkraets use steam to generate electricity, but we can just run it directly. The batteries allow us to store it so someone doesn't have to sit here all the time and keep a steady stream going. Those tedious days are centuries behind us." He clapped Kallon on the back, who flinched reflexively and Dheillan laughed. "Sorry! A little leftover." He rubbed his hands together. "Come on, let's get something to eat, I'm starving."

lemyes: heat of the flame, lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: sray, lemyes: kallon, lemyes: dheillan zokhier kethissen

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