Miniwrimo 25

Nov 25, 2023 20:45

She inhaled a shaky breath. She had not anticipated a response, let alone one that felt so tangible. "I thank thee for thine acknowledgement." Slowly, she sat back up, wiping her face and exhaling as she blinked into the darkness. No physical being was there. Just her and the spirits.

She had not thought about it until she spoke the words. It had, perhaps, been percolating in the back of her mind, but she did not conciously have the thought. Restore them. Let them back to their sacred places. How would she even do that?

She stook, her legs felt weak and she was a little light-headed. She leaned into the doorframe and took some deep breaths to steady herself before picking up the candle and moving back towards the entrance.

Restoring the Klamon to this area. How could she be expected to do that? Danrick Mishor had said he wanted peace. He wanted to see man and Klamon together again, but would he really want to be living next to them? She couldn't just hike into the hills and dismantle the barriers. She didn't have the language to tell them anything even if she found them. This would be a project of years, decades even, if it ever had the opportunity to happen at all.

Would this be something she would have mentioned to anyone else? I suspect she would keep it to herself at Engama at least.

"Tafa," she began, and then took in a deep breath as she prepared herself for what to say next. "I found something while I was there. A Klamon place. Not just a dwelling, but a sacred place full of energy like I had never felt before."

Teigan would be the one to talk about it with, if anyone. He didn't have in-depth spiritual training as a leader or executor of such things would, but he is familiar with all the rights, stories, and soforth.


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