November Ramblings

Nov 17, 2023 19:57

I think I have the three weeks before the fire somewhat buttoned up. Sray is with Thelus Shtopfyl and company, I have to explore just a little bit more the other apprentices and journeymen involved. They're not super important to the story, but they're present and she interacts with them.

The relay visits we need some interactions between her and the others. At this point Mishor is still-wants her buffered and I guess she finds it a little funny and awkward that some of her "adult" escorts are her age because, well, she's an adult. So with Ientel Stridden and his younger brother, between those two they're pretty much the same age.

Anyways, so you have that, checking out the relays and of course with her extra buffer people are less inclined to be stupid. I suspect her incident with Ashtim is pretty much throughout the Engama grouping at this point. There is no keeping that under wraps. Because it happened and it was a thing and well, kids tell their parents stuff.

So Ottlin has the influence of his uncle so he's a little, hmm, I think there is definitely plenty of those who do not agree with her being there. We had a dozen of them just walk out when she was inducted, but we also have a lot that, you know, are giving some benefit of the doubt because of Mishor, others gave her it and said "nope" because of the Ashtim thing, even though Ashtim really asked for it. Then you have the fire. There's some grouping that is still incredulous about it and think she did it, but I think there's enough of them that had a bit of a change of heart given that she nearly died trying to put the thing out, so we have that.

So post fire we have shifts in attitude, we have Ashtim apologizing, we have her somewhat returning to normal...So I'm still debating as to whether or not Sray would, under duress, tell Kem that her dad is still alive. We'll see. It's possible. So if for the most part no one really knows that Sray and her family already knew about the brotherhood. There's a couple people that know Teigan is alive now. The assumption is that her mother came to check on her, at least that was her- mother or brother. She kind of keeps it open-ended with Thelus telling him that it was her mother's mare. When Kith asks about it she's like "Brother!" meaningful stare. Because, well, Ieshan knows she has a brother along with Meikal and Kem.

Nothing is ever as secret as Sray wants it to be, I guess the same goes for Mishor, too.

Second term, aftermath. I don't know if they figured out how these guys got in. They were smuggled in through some delivery or another. Kamdler helped them. Kamdler is going to face some sort of consequences. I don't know if we're told about those consequences, but as a minor I'm not sure if they would... I think he would fall under the regional representative. i don't think he would go all the way to the Gordie'en council. I don't know who the regional representative is, but they're there.

So, second term is basically half over by the time we hit Teigan's visit. Sray is pretty much spending all her time with Thelus and company. Kem still hasn't figured out what she's doing.

And... I think Kem's still in her full book of classes. There may be, 'cause she wants to learn Getie'an, I think there might be a class on Remstan-I mean there's technically other times they could fill up there. There's time between breakfast and morning class, gaps between morning and lunch classes, lunch and afternoon, etc. there are gaps, they can work them in there. I'm sure Silfiya has a full book of classes, she has their first year class four hours a week (two days). So she teaches all the languages except for Ela'yan because everybody should be a native speaker-five languages. I suspect those are only an hour each twice a week. I guess Ineed to figure out Silfiya's schedule because she is over the linguistics department. Maybe there's three under people under her. And I need to figure out who takes over Dafid Dentill because we can't just leave that floating because Sray is still learning about Ela'yan literature so I need to find a name for somebody who is taking it over.

By third term Sray doesn't have writing or mathematics anymore. She has literature and history, all the rest of the time she spends with Shtorpfyl and crew. Yep, thats an extra eight hours a week she does that.

Breeding the mare to the jack, getting the mare home.

I think Belsh is born between second and third term the following year so poor Kayrin doesn't get her mare back until third term. Because the year is a little bit longer on Lemy'es than it is here. Ten months and a bit for average equine gestation on Lemy'es.

So other things that Thelus teaches, we've got basic first aid stuff, animal management and care. General farming stuff, repair of equipment, I think fabrication of parts is left to the blacksmithing, but there may be some minor stuff. Their agricultural technologies ... I think Teigan's equipment would be obviously different, a little more advanced. Would Sray suggestion anything? Again, he's a machinist.

And final term-final term I'm still drawing a blank. They still have Kayrin's mare and you've got-so they haven't heard any trace of them for weeks-months. Triden kind of put them up to it and I don't know if they would have tried to go back to Dohman and if, well I think they kind of end up sheltering in place, hiding out, waiting, planning, plotting. I don't think they got a whole lot of support once it was known they were involved.

Maybe they went back to Dohman and were booted. Triden would be unhappy they didn't accomplish what they were supposed to and made a bit of a mess of it in the process.

There is, yeah, third term I'm just drawing a blank. Inbetween second and third term we have the trola migration, we have Silfiya visiting. I think it will be worth poking around there with the interactions between Silfiya, Kayrin, and Teigan. I don't know if she would have much interactions between Janef and Kallon, probably Janef because she's a homebody at the moment. Kallon he's just doing his thing. He definitely would have gone with Tiegan had he let him.

Gaps ... dangit, gaps.

Gaps that do not want to be filled.

Nothing of real consequence happens third term. You have... so Kem is interested in learning Getie'an, I don't think anyone else takes up the offer. Silfiya's role in the peace negotiations is known. She has the names out there. Everyone knowns that Sray's mother is Kayrin Hillenbohn so ... but she gets the Getie'an names out there but she doesn't say relationship wise, because technically at the time they were not her father and aunt... she (Sray) wasn't born yet.

I don't know if Silfiya gets a little-I don't know if people would dare. There might be a little change in attitude towards her because when she came to Engama...

So Silfiya moved from Tayran to Dohman. Triden obviously had full access to her records and knew everything she had done. She was trying to wipe the slate clean, again Kamenlohn was really bad about dissemninating information about the peace/border negotiations. They mentioned there were translators, didn't really mention names because they had some "embarassment about the quality of their translators" as Silfiya said. So Triden knew and she was still young, early 20s, had experienced a good amount of- a- I think Silfiya actually was engages to be married before she left Tayran and I think post negotations it was called off. So it wasn't just generall harassment, it was also that relationship breaking down because of what she had done and you know, she was hesitant at the start. She had her own perspective and agenda on it. I think she was definitely skeptical of the Getier to start and I think she held a little bit of fear about, what happens if they realize-well, she knew at least that Klamon targeted Meim schools, she didn't know about the experiments. I'm not sure if she still does. No, I think that would be something ... she might know at this point. She might not have known it until after coming to Engama.

So anyways, she did hold a bit more uneasiness about Klamon than Kayrin did. I think her time working with Teigan and Rothan she understood them as individuals and not the lump sum of her early learning. So we have that going on.

Attitude shifts towards Sray after the fire. Because things are more relaxed middle of the third term I think she ends up no longer requiring her "adult" escort. She gets a little bit more freedom back. Probably uses it for climbing.

Maybe Kem does ask to go with her, but I think it would be a third term thing.

So we do have Sray asking about going climging. She's going a little stir crazy. She is so not used to the amount of socializing that is required at Engama. You know, it's like, Tos twice a week and that's really her big social thing. Family, people you've known your whole life. So being "on" all the time is exhausting and you have mountains right there O my gosh, Klamon, they like to climb things. You have that thing that's been repressed for a good ten years because there's nothing to climb in Jon. They have trees on their property to help break up the monotony and shield the house, but it's not really like, I mean, they probably all spend time up in the trees, but you know, they're ten year-old trees. It's not like they're super thick and sturdy and climbable at this point. Just barely peeking up over the house. And they could climb up and down the house, but that's all.

So you have this big old mountain thousands of feet tall and there's definitely desire to Climb The Thing.

Getting back to it, climbing things. I think she feels super awkward about asking Mishor about climbing things. But, uh, I think he knows it is good for her mental health to be able to climb things. So you have her, Kem asks ... She's like "You're not going to be able to keep up. No way you're keeping up." The argument would be what happens if THEY are up in the mountains and she's like "I can tell where people are."

So you have her conversation with Thelus that touches on how Engama came to be where it is. Then you have a conversation with Kith about the founding. I wonder if she kind of tries to find any of the evidence of where the Brehtsoln may have been in that area. She has that ledge she goes up to-I don't know it's not deep enough for a settlement. That could be interesting-maybe she does find something. I mean, it would be a Klamon thing, but it's not a Getie'an thing. It would be a Brehtsoln thing.

And you would have... there is ... third term just has me stuck because there's nothing really interesting going on and I don't want to let it sag and be all mundane because that doesn't advance or story. So where does her conversation with Thelus and Kith occur. Would it be that? Would it be that second half of second term ... I don't think it would be third term... so we have that. We have Silfiya going home with her, a few days there. The Trola migration I don't think anything exciting happens there. Sherod is just- Sherod and Mishor a little paranoid because it is a thing.

You have a good amount of time that nothing happens and that's okay, Sray likes it that way. We have some unraveling of how they managed it, but I don't think they know where they go and end up and they go quiet and dorman until the relay attack. While they are dumb in some sense they aren't that stupid.

So, all that stuff, you have all that stuff.

Yeah, I'm just-that third term there is not much happening. We learn about Engama's origins, we learn about some of their reach and wealth of the Brotherhood, they are very much in everything despite their low numbers relative to the rest of the population. Probaly have about 300 people at Engama. It's like ... so Jon is the top of southern Ela'yas, but I guess it's like central southern Ela'yas.

Sray is about 140 miles from Engama. It's less than 100 if you have a straight shot over the mountains, but you know, it's over the mountains, so ... you have a country not quite as bit as Arizona? I need to look at the measurements again, it might be the size of Germany.

So, anyways, you got three hundred people at Engama, you've got, I don't know, maybe 100,000 people in eastern Ela'yas total. Maybe more than that. The Meim are about one percent or less of the general population. Yeah, places like in Jon that has like Sray. You've got Sherod too, but he was a transplant. Anyway...

You've got eight people, yeah, becasue there's only one carriage going through Jon and then continuing south from there. So that's pretty narrowly populated. Eastern Ela'yas is/has been a place the government has promoted expanding to, but it has been a hard sell because of the trola, not just the trola, there's nothing out there.

So all that going on...

You have the relay attack. Sray is just like, done, done emotionally, doesn't want to do this anymore. She knew it, but she didn't at the same time. It's going to be dangrous either way whether she went or not. Pandora's box, you can't stuff it all back in.

So, yeah, she's like, emotionally done and really, as we see with her interaction with Tos, it's not just getting shot, it's not just other people getting injured because of her, it's all the things. It's all the things she's been stuffing for the last eleven years and I think this probably is the moment in which Tos realizes that her father was probably a Klamon, but he's not going to say anything!

He figured it out, he's been doing research, poking around things. I think when he learns that Kayrin and her husband were involved in the negotiations he starts doing research on that, not that he can find much. He does actually go places.

"Why would you want to learn about that, Tos?"

"Because it's interesting!"

Any records of that... what happened ... so we're getting back to how Klamon disseminate information. Countries/territories that abutt each other like the Iezdlai and Getier the toltkraets are kind of isolated on their little peninsula. The Dolbschekt in that southern area and the poor Zegdaen are kind of split. I think some of them ended up in the Southern Anleizers and some in the southern Kozdlay and possibly the isthimus because Humans only wanted to push so far south. If one of them is going to be seafaring it would be the Zegdaen.

So you have all that, disseminating information. They do have, essentially telephones, wired systems to communicate through. You don't have any of those systems traveling through Human territory so it isn't like you can pick up a phone in Beheil and call somebody in Geteilpohth.

So you have to have some sort of seafairing ability in order to get communications from Beheil to Geteilpohth, how else would the Brehtsoln know that the negotiations happened. I don't think they would because they're not talking to the humans!

So human territories, there's definitely some sailing involved. Might occasionally get skirmishes when humans "accidentally" land on Klamon shores. the Brehtsoln would have been highly suspicious of the first generation hybrids that landed, but the fact that they were hybrid helps. You look Klamon, but you don't act it, where the heck did you guys come from?

So Shtaejlus gets to meet his uncle. I'm pretty sure his dad is dead, most likely committed suicide. Then we have other stuff.

So there's that and we have or epilogue. I think- I currently have Yurrein sitting there and doing his thing, but I kind of like the idea of Behlsh being born. So-I had started a thing where she's in the carriage going back, but I also kind of like this other thing I started where it's just someone calling Sray's name, she's asleep, bolts to the barn, and we have a baby mule!

So mare dropped, rolled, got up again, shuffle around. Flat on her side, grunting with the conractions. Mare's had a couple foals before, so this is good.

Dark hooves looking grey through the white-blue sack. Yeah, I can dictate and ramble, but dictating and writing is still just a little weird still.

So here's a thought, Sray resumes her climbing/hiking in third term, she knows that either Brehtsoln or Zegdaen were in the area before...I think she might try to find evidences of-I mean-it's-i'ts not her people necessarily, but it's her species so I think-I think we might explore that. I think she might run into some wildlife, but I like there might be exploration of areas that used to house Klamon and don't anymore because Hillenbohn and his crew shoved them all out. I suspect as he did that they tried to destroy most things, but there are that humans can't get to for sure. There might be places that Sray would find it difficult to get into. So far as straigth up climbing goes she's as good as anyone, but it's different if you can't glide from one spot to the other. So I think that's worth exploring. I can poke at that.

lemyes: hybrid klamon, lemyes: sherod kalden, lemyes: silfiya detowr, lemyes: kallon, lemyes: behlsh the mule, lemyes: kayrin hillenbohn, lemyes: brotherhood of the mime, lemyes: geography: engama, lemyes: ashtim debauin, lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: danrick mishor, lemyes: geography, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: yurrein nelendor, lemyes: klamon: getier, lemyes, lemyes: klamon, lemyes: tosef savin, lemyes: kem aldai, lemyes: klamon: brehtsoln, lemyes: sray, lemyes: klamon: iezdlai

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