Miniwrimo Day 15

Nov 15, 2023 21:46

Because..." The word drifted and hung in the air as Sray struggled with what to put after it.

"Because that terrain speaks to a part of you that has been denied expression for years." Silfiya finished. "You go up in these mountains and you can be Sray Sollit Hillenbohn, not Sray Hillenbohn, whom everyone else you ever met since you left Geteilpohth knows. You get to be the real you for once, the full you, and figure out who that is a decade since you last saw her." She looked up at Sray over her glasses. "I can't help you directly with that, but think that is one of the *best* things I could be helping you with, if you let me."

Sray considered Silfiya for a long time as the woman steadily watched her back, grey eyes clear and knowing. How Silfiya knew felt impossible and uncomfortable. Sray had been reluctant to put her feelings into words. She just wanted to feel it and be in the moment out there and not have to say anything to anyone about it.

"I..." the words didn't want to form, even in Kamenan. She exhaled sharply out her nose, not quite a snort, but still short and full of frustrated energy expelled forcefully in an attempt to rid herself of the feelings. "If you don't mind." She finally limped out.

With her exploring officially sanctioned, Sray planned to be out the whole day. She debated on packing her shoulderbag or simply filling her pockets.

"Do you think there are still Klamon up there?"

"I don't think so. If there were you wouldn't know."

Kem had kept a suspicious eye on Sray on Seltan.

"What are you up to?" She finally questioned before turning for the night.

"Just putting some studying in for the next few hours." Sray replied, knowing full well that was not what Kem was fishing for. "Mr. Shtorpfyl gave me a book to go through on animal husbandry and his extra notes take some time to decifer."

"I mean tomorrow." Kem frowned back, looking a little hurt. "Are you going somewhere with Mr. Shtorpfyl, again?"

"No." She replied, turning a page in the book.

"What are you doing then?" Kem pressed.

"Just walking with Silfiya DeTauwr." Another short, uninformative answer.

"You're making a lot of preparations for just a walk." The young woman observed pointedly.

Sray closed the book and finally focused on Kem with full attention. She ran her tongue along the inside of her teeth as Kem watched her expectantly. "Would you like to come?"

Gaelin Sabolden replacement literature instructor, pulled out of retirement at 72, much to his annoyance.

The man that met them in what was Dafid Dentill's class was a sharp contrast to its prior occupant. With enough wrinkles and obvious age to have been Dentill's grandfather, he leaned heavily on an ornate cane for support. His hair clung about his head in thinning white curls with a few black streaks remaining to suggest the original color.

He didn't carry the air of superiority that Dentill tried to project, but it did feel like they were in serious danger of wasting his time that he would rather spend somewhere else.

lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: kem aldai, lemyes: silfiya detowr, lemyes: sray

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