
Nov 09, 2023 21:40

Feht'holn were not active during the day and much smaller than the thing felt. They were aggressive, bold creatures and potentially dangerous in nunbers, but this wasn't one of them, and it was too cohesive to be a group huddled together.

Simply changing the temperature around her would not conceal her from the pahlsonn's ability to feel the small pulses of electricity that ran through the body, connecting nerves and firing for each thought and muscle movement.

A construct might do it. If it could block her ability to sense heat, most likely it could do the same for a pahlsonn. That wasn't a real option. Maybe for someone like Illendis, who could reorganize matter with barely a thought, but not for her who had to concentrate and strain and was drained by the simplest exercise. She couldn’t wear herself out and fail to return to Engama.

The thing paused. It noticed her. She was sure of it. She was enough of a presence to be worth investigating.

Her eyes crawled over the space between her and where she could feel it. Too many trees to see it clearly. Running would draw its focus more, she was sure of that. She might be fast among humans, but the pahlsonn would be faster. They could take down a trola when hungry enough.

She wasn't afraid despite her now-racing heart. She had no fear of getting eaten by some predator. She was perfectly capable of protecting herself, but she didn't want a fight and she definitely didn't want to kill something.

Her eyes focused on a thick-branched tree and she lept up and clung to the trunk before scrambling up twelve feet to a sturdy branch, nails digging into the bark as she watched for the first sign of movement. She felt it getting closer, it was fifty yards away when she caught a glimpse of a large form stalking between the trees. Its body was a warm grey, mottled somewhat to blend in with the light coming through the fresh spring leaves. It wove its way between the trees slowly, appearing disinterested in the one that Sray was perched in, but the short ears kept swiveling towards her. It arched around her, well away from the reach of the tree's branches, nose to the ground, its short, domed head pivoting on its thick powerful neck as the large shoulders rolled along the terrain. It was compactly built and muscular. Each forefoot had a large, scythe-like claw at the thumb held well off the ground, the rest of the claws were retracted into sheaths as it prowled the area. It probably weighed two hundred pounds.

lemyes: fauna, lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: sray

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