Pahlsonn and Kinus

Nov 08, 2023 21:36

If they were Brehtsoln she had two names: Dheillan and Zadhissev Kethissen Zok'hier. If they were Zegdaen she would have nothing, just a vain hope they might share some words and there might be some grace in being half Klamon.

Just the same she set herself to task to seek out what they may have left behind with no expectations as to what might be found.

Debating on the spelling of pahlsonn, we'll see what sticks. Pronounced like PAL (as in buddy pal) and son (short o sound signaled by the double consonants after, the oh has a slight, breathy "h" sound associated with it and is very much a Kamenan and Stori'an sound, which is why Sherodd's name changed spelling this year because I couldn't bring mysef to pronounce it sher-ROAD with a long O sound.

She froze. There was something or someone else out there. The inconsequential heat from birds and small mammals had filled the space, but now there was something larger out there. She strained to hear sound from the direction of the heat. Nose to the air she tried to draw in any familiar or alarming scent. There was no breeze to help her. No hint as to what it could be. She may have told Kem she didn't worry about anything in the mountains first term, and it was true, but being afraid and being cautious were certainly different. Just because she wasn't concerned about a kinus or pahlson didn't mean she wanted to be surprised by one, especially if it was hungry.

She thought about hiding her own heat, being still and blending in with the temperature of the surrounding ground and stone. That would help with a kinus who like the Getier could manipulate heat, just not as powerfully or precisely. The pahlsonn, however ... she had heard stories of them. They did not reside in southwestern part of Geteilpohth where she was from. Pahlsonn favored more forested areas and were almost twice the size of a kinus. They did not hunt in pairs as kinuses did, but a single one was enough. Their skill was like the Brehtsoln and Zegdaen Klamon, they could sense and manipulate electrical pulses. Simply changing the temperature around her would not conceal her from the pahlsonn's ability to feel the small pulses of electricity that ran through the body, connecting nerves and firing for each thought and muscle movement.

lemyes: fauna, lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: sray

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