This is a funny story, but then again there could be a tragic back-story behind it that the Pyongyang brickheads don't want to let out.
At a special press conference held at the DPRKorea embassy in Beijing, the woman, sitting nervously looking at her hands, claimed to have been lured by "some bad people" into leaving North Korea, and ended up in Japan, living in a small town in some kind
"Whenever I exchanged letters and telephone calls with my children, it started and ended with tears. When I was in my room alone I made my pillow wet with tears from longing for my children,” she said.
“I spent almost every night with sleeping drugs and alcohol, almost like a hypochondriac and psychopath"
The reporter adds: It was unclear why North Korea called the news conference at a time when the world’s focus was on Tuesday’s return of United Nations nuclear inspectors to the reclusive country.
Reporters were not allowed to ask questions. The woman ended the news conference by singing a song about longing for home. Isn't that just so beautiful. And bizarre.
here and
What i think is: The woman fled North Korea, in hopes of a better place with food and water, at least. She arrives in Japan. Her Japanese abductors give her sleeping pills and alcohol every night (they were very rich abductors), even though she was like a hypochondriac AND a psychopath. The combination of these four could potentially result in death or murder if you try it at home. Sleeping pills and alcohol are a deadly combination on their own. Add hypochondria and psychopathy to the mixture, and what follows is anybody's guess.
I had no idea you could call and send mails to the DPRK so easily, especially from Japan. DPRK being what it is, I would've expected them to at least bother checking mails and monitoring phone calls. Just in case someone from the western media was calling random homes in North Korea to ask them about their life. OR some college kids in the US prank-calling poor starving North Koreans. It's a cruel world.
On a second thought, hang on. She was abducted by the Evil Japanese People. She was calling home so often and the North Korean government does, I am absolutely sure, monitor phone calls and mails. So why the hell didn't the North Korean government attempt to rescue her from her personal hell of sleeping pills and alcohol and bring her back to the sunny hills of Pyongyang? Or at least recorded the conversations, and give it to the press. "Aha! Look you Evil Japanese Korean-Abducting Madmen! We have proof. You abducted our psychopath! Give it back! Her! Her! We meant Give HER back!"
I can cook up a pretty good story too. I would like my very own press conference! Goddammit. We should all have our fifteen minutes of rumor-spreading, pill-swallowing, alcoholism-inducing, lamentation-singing press conferences!