something to write about

Jun 22, 2007 16:35

do we need to have something to say before we write it? what is the difference between saying and writing?
we are after all living in the culture of the written Word. the left-brained, right-handed, moustacheod, pedantic Word...
I once read a book called "The Alphabet vs. The Goddess" by a fellar named Leonard Shlain, which was an interesting and in-depth insight into how society turned patriarchal due to the advent of the written Word. It was an interesting read, it had insights, some of which may be true and some may simply be interesting speculations conjured over coffee table discussions.

What does the written word mean for us? And what does the spoken word mean?
Why songs? What's in melodies that we like so much, that reaches deep inside us?
Why do monks chant mantras and what's so important about rhythms? Rhythmic sounds are hypnotic, why?

But it's great that the tribals came up with their chants. They just knew it felt right. It felt fitting for the occasion to chat a particular way before a battle. It's sort of this instinctual recognition. Or something. I'm no music historian. But it's a great thing that they came up with. No formulas, no notes, no musical analysis or genre-definitions, just bloody rhythm and chant. Why? because it works. That was all. Perhaps sometimes it's more important that something works, and why or how it works is not so important. Or not important at all. Leave that to the rest to analyze and theorize. I'm Mr. Practicality when it comes to music. And I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that I can't read notes to save my life. I just play the guitar coz I like the sound that comes out of it. But if I were to sing and play to it, I can't.  I got a singing voice that sounds like I have a rusty shovel lodged down my throat, and notes escape through the cracks in irregular and disorderly fashion, the way rodents would pour out of their holes when a fox has finally managed to dig its way in, I imagine.

chants, randomness, songs, singing

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