Someday. After the 15th of August.

Jul 25, 2013 14:42

My dissertation is draining me, and I'm not even writing it. So to keep avoiding writing it, and to give myself some motivation, I've decided to make a to-do-list for when I'm done writing it.

Things I will...


- more bookbinding, first on my list being a girdle book for my 12th-century noblewoman's costume.
- a shift, kirtle and general random stuff for 16th-century costume(s) so I can start thinking about doing Kentwell next year (EXCITE!!!)
- random clothing because I want to get better at sewing in general
- think about figuring out my wedding dress. (IT SHALL BE GREEN AND SEXY.) (Oh um yes for those of you who don't follow me on Facebook - I'm getting married to Jay next summer. Watch this space for more info and potential invites :D)
- food. All the food. I want to learn how to make everything.


- Orphan Black
- Orange is the new black
- The end of season 2 & season 3 of Game of Thrones (Not too many spoilers, please.)
- Blackadder. And Monty Python stuff. And everything else that is iconic to British TV culture and that my British friends kee making jokes about that I don't understand.
- Welcome to Night Vale (technically listen to, not watch, but shush. I'm sure it'll be excellent for sewing or cooking.)
- Anything else that my flist might care to recommend?


- The Atrocity Archives and its sequels, by Charlie Stross. (I can't really justify having a Famous Writer(tm) in my acquaintances without having read a single one of his books. Especially since his books are right up my alley)
- Finish The Ocean At The End of the Lane (potentially before the 15th). Jay and I have been reading it to each other but we haven't done that in a week or two, which is Sad.
- The Night Circus.
- Read moar things. Most likely things that I will bring back from Strasbourg. ALL THE UNREAD BOOKS, HUZZAH.


- That porn I promised Jay for his birthday (on the 31st of May... Herm :/)
- Faders. I am still very attached to it
- Maybe some actual essay on here about feminism and how the patriarchy also hurts men and that kind of stuff. I have thinky thoughts about that shit.
- More things for my professional-ish website/blog thing.


- All the notes I took for my dissertation, plus the stuff I printed. That should feel ridiculously good.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there if you can!

to-do-list, !en, that utmost bourgeois institution

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