
Aug 10, 2012 23:10

Blowing off almost €100 because I locked myself out of my own apartment at the ONLY TIME IN THE YEAR when there is no-one else there (apart from a very confused cat.)


(Honestly had I had a proper ladder I would have climbed up to my bedroom window. The glass has been broken for more than a year now, I would have got in without any kind of problem. Apart from the fact, of course, that it's two meters high. Fuck.)

I don't even know how I feel about the whole thing. I'm at the same time highly annoyed at myself, proud that I managed to keep my cool, relieved that the guy didn't take three hours to arrive, and just completely indifferent to the whole situation. And add a bit of inexplicably wanting to cry into the mix, for some reason o_o

I think this might be me coming down from my first adrenaline high in, um. Either a few years or two weeks.

(Yeah I don't remember if I mentioned this here, but I went to Scotland to get an apartment in July and somehow MANAGED TO GET THE WRONG AIRPORT.)(Did I mention that my mother is a fucking saint? BECAUSE SHE IS. She got me there without even losing her cool.)

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