Ah, what a nice day! For once, I actually know why I'm so fucking tired! (Yeah, that would be because I slept something like 4 or 5 hours last night. Clever, I know.)
Anyway, not the point. I need your help guys!
I'm looking for a website. A very, very specific website.
It's a sort of... I'm not quite sure how to describe it; hence my failure at looking for it on Google.
How to explain this simply...
It's like the stream of consciousness of a conspiracy theory nutjob. It's an unbelievably long WALL OF TEXT, basically (well, no, I seem to remember it has some illustrations on the sides and a background with dreadful colours or something like that. The text is centered, I think, and the font size varies from one line to the next, like on old-style political posters and stuff like that)
Please note, that when I say nutjob, I weigh my words. It's... barely understandable at all. First time I heard about it was from a sort of dare to go read as much of it as possible. And, well, I tried my hand at it and could read something like a page or two. I don't know how many pages it has, but a LOT.
I think there is the word "World" in the title, but I might very well be wrong on that.
I know it has a Wikipedia article. And I think I first heard of it on
Needless to say, it is very creepy. Very very. But in a way that might be exploitable in a story or something.
Any ideas? Anyone?