Sep 16, 2010 11:35
Let's just not go into why university infuriates me and puts me into a bitchy mood at the moment.
Let's just not go into "OMGWTFDENTISTDONOTWANT!!1!" because I doubt it would help with the bitchy mood. (Edit: Fuck yeah, root canal! KILL ME NOW PLEASE. I'm not sure whether I want the anesthetic to keep working so I don't have to feel the horrible pain or if I want it to fade so that I can actually feel something on the right side of my face...)
Let's just say I'm happy to have found that historical atlas of Canada for my research :D
Which reminds me! Dear Canadian flist! Whom I love dearly!
Would anyone by any chance have any good book/website/movie/tv series/anything really references about Vancouver (and British Columbia in general) in the late 19th century (around the 1890s)? I'd really like to get a feel of the atmosphere, which is usually rather hard with the very "history, it are srs bsnss" books in the university's library or the Wikipedia articles I've had a look at.
(If you're wondering, it's research for my NaNoWriMo, which will be set in BC around 1889/1890, I think -- I haven't quite picked a date yet.)
aaah i'm gonna kill something,
oh university why the stupid,
shuttup i'm writing,