Jan 01, 2006 19:02
Woot. not my favorite number but its another year, tho not that different. yet i look forward to all the positive parts and all that other good stuff that i will be getting into =) I actually am not dreading the bad stressful hardships of life this year..its good to feel happy and content. One of the best feelinsg ever...however when i fear when its going to end..it ruins the whole moment. I wish i oculd learn to enjoy it.
Yesterday was an amazing new years and new years eve. Went to a party in IL with Des and our mutual friends jase n heather, and i met several other of their friends. Most were in their mid 20's but after awhile i didn't feel too young or intimidated by them. Surprisingly i even introduced myself first before they did, tahts a big deal to me! lol i usually wait. I was shy for a lil, then i grew out of it and became more comfortable. I got drunk with my dessy and he hasnt really seen me ilke that (not saying i'm bad) but yeah. It was interesting. The drive was um less than desirable, but singing @ the top of my lungs with des rockin out is always good times. Anyway, Thru the dark winding roads and hay feilds we drove to a party at um nicks house i think. lol And yeah good times. stayed there until about 3 am, then out of nowhere i heard we were all leaving. I just got handed my jacket and was like "ummm okay" not really knowing what was goin on. Ppl were crazy but not off the wall. Most of them were really chill n nice which shocked me, but def. made everything pretty chill overall. This sounds a lil gay but...I enjoyed hanging with dessy and the others and getting to know jase more (desmond's good friend). Jase loves desmond ALMOST as much as me haha. He stands up for des whenever n i think thats hot.
We ended up spending the night at another guys house 10 misn away from the first party. While a gang of 5 cars were heading there, the country sheriff was driving behind us, so we all pulled into a driveway at someones house and pretended we were getting out, then the police drove past us again and left us alone. That was scary...so we were lucky the police didn't come out and talk to us. I guess he was just pissed he had to work on new years hah.
Err yeah. in the end i had an awesome time and got to cuddle up with my baby all night and "sleep" with him or at least try to, in this lil bubble air filled play circular pin lol. It was all squeaky but comfy and he held me with a blanket around us. Hes always so good to me =)mmm <3.
Oh yeah i'm grounded for a week. Oh well. Everything was worth it. Drove there at night..came back home in the morning riding with desmond looking at the beautiful sunrise on the open highway. Kissing him n making out at midnight. being drunk with him, holding him. luv luv luv him. "i luv evvvveeerybody."
Off subject but Um yeah lets count how many of my old n new friends i saw so far this break............hmmm.......err.........
umm.............one desmond....besides that i met heather and colie and julie and another julie and a jennifer and a matt and a steve, and some other ppl. I love being drunk and when everyone is huggin and saying how much they love each other. Thats true friends in the making :P NewayI plan to see Toni and Dominic, and Reid! hes so sweet n they rock and um who nkows who else, its pretty much whoever shows up at wherever, is who i will see! I thoguht a lot would be planned for break, but its so hard and ppl are so busy and not always reachable. I feel i don't try hard enough but yet they don't either...so we get NOWHERE. I don't even care anymore. They can cry about wanting to see me a million times before i come home, then when i do...nothing happens lol. PPl suck :P so i'm actually excited to go back to school. Because the few ppl i love to chill with there, i can actually see them when i want.If some of those ppl lived here, I would def. go out more places...as i would ilke to. Um its a work still in slow progress?! my goal this year is to actuAlly have a birthday party for 20!! and to not cancel it regardless to who can and can't come and regardless to if i think it will be funo r not. I BELIEVE i've cancalled my last 3 birthday parties or didn't plan anythign at all (16,17, 18,19--okay 4!!) I have a BIG PROBLEM lol. Err *bites nails* Yeahkthanksbye.