why am I still awake

Feb 11, 2005 23:38

yay for being a kid!!!!!

I woke up at 6:00AM, showerd up, went to school, did some stuff, read to little kids, went to play pracitce and did nothing, went to work, and got home at 11:30PM....thats...17 and a half hours, at the minimum, that give me 7 hours of sleep, uncontrollable.

do, I read other peoples journals, and trust me, if you're reading this, I read yours'sss too.

I really dont know why I find the play fun, I mean, I could hang out with my friends more if I wasnt in it., I'd have so much more time, and thats something I havent had for a long time, ::badum chuuu::, get it? "time"!!!

I really dont need to be weird in front of everyone, and having them telling me how great I am, even if they dont say it, I'd rather people not think it.

I'd be much happier being weird by myself, since I'm know for it anyway, its just not considered "great" when I'm "talking" to myself.

people who tihnk I'm cool dont know me :)

If I wasnt in the play right now, or have a job right now, I'd be what I was before I was Huck....sitting at home, playing on the computer.
(eh, IB takes some of that away too I guess, but IB has never botherd me at all, It only bothers me when other people complain)

gah, idk why I open up on this journal thing

At work today I was dizy the whole time, plus we got this new stupid-butt combo ("would you like to try our combo tonight?" ::says james to EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER::..."whats the combo?" ::replies person:: "when you buy two medium drinks and a large popcorn, you get a free refil on both drinks and the popcorn and two dollars off on of our popables" !!!W00t, what a deal$!$!!

eh, at least I sorta like working, everyone likes me, and most people are fun/funny (both intentioal and unintentional)

and Siera and Luaran (forgive misspellings) visited for a minuet, thats always nice :) random visits, I mean. ya know, the kinda walk bye "hi, hows it goin..." ::awkward moment....:: "k, bye" (not really awkward :))

dang I'm boring, muahaha, but you're still reading this, I repeat, muahaha

Why am I still awake......because I think too much, too much for everyone else.
I guess thats just who I am :)

oh, and I havent bittne my finger nails in almost a week, I'll break my record in 3 or 4 days, I dont remember.

gotta go take a shower now cuz I smell like buttery oil, and my fingers sure taste good...man I'm awesome (btw, everyime I sayd that, I'm joking, cuz its a joke, hahaha, funny joke...eh?)

hopefully my posts will change, hope you learned something bout me
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