
Feb 20, 2006 14:31

What the hell is wrong with my body?

I am cold all the time.
I am forcing myself to eat.
I am sleeping and sleeping and sleeping.
I don't want to wake up or move.
I don't want to talk to anyone.

... All I WANT to do is sit in a dark corner and draw until my hand falls off. Uhm.

Also: Finally saw a few eps of 'One Piece' and 'Naruto'

Warning-- random/stupid opinions ahead. Fangirls beware.

One Piece: Ugly. Horrible. Amusing-- but horrible. The pirate-rap opener just about killed me dead. I can't be too harsh on it though, cause' it's a comedy. Or at least, it better be.

Naruto: 'I am a ninja and will become the best ninja okthnx? My ninja powers are greater than your ninja powers! Omg I must take amazing ninja exam. Omigwhut? Fightfightfight! NINJA I BE LOOK AT ME.'

Really don't like it. Naruto is just 'blegh' and Sasuke is an idiot. That random pink-haired girl is also annoying. The only one I like is Kakashi. Kakashi is awesome.

And why, oh why, before any fight or test or random discussion, must immature inner-monologue rattle off behind the scenes? "Oh no! He's doing the super-something-amazing technique! Oh noes, Naruto!"

I do not care. Shut up and help him, why don't you. If someone went to pwn one of my friends with a shiny, sharp object, I would not sit there and think about it. I'd grab a frying pan and kill.

Kill, I say.

But it's not as bad as like... Yugio GX or something.

Yugio-anything makes my brain bleed and cry.

I am, however, very fond of Samurai Champloo... it's quirky. ^^

... But I still want to know why most characters in popular anime are under the age of 18. I know, I know, that's the age group they're appealing to, or something...

But I'd kill to see some people (MAIN characters) that are 30+

.. Why am I so cynical lately? >_< Argh.
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