Jan 25, 2006 23:56
Atredius had the feeling he was going crazy, again.
His fingers twitched against the counter, bony and restless. There was a mug beside it, filled with something deep brown and murky and vile, but he never actually drank the alcohol. Just ordered it. Something like music rattled up from the street outside, but his foot didn’t tap and his ears didn’t perk. He stared at the wall instead-stared right through it. It didn’t occur to him that there were people in the way. He didn’t notice them move aside.
He knew what ‘crazy’ felt like, didn’t he?
One leg was perched on the ball of his foot. His knee wouldn’t stop shaking, jerking up and down, hitting the table above it with a continuous bangbangbang that seemed to make the patrons uncomfortable. They kept glancing at him, searching for a reason with curious, anxious eyes, but his limb wouldn’t stop shaking and the table wouldn’t stop trembling. His knee was bloody, at this point. The wood had torn it up, after a time.
Perhaps he should have put on some clothing. He didn’t have any, though. The fire burned it all away.
For the sixth time that night, the bartender ventured to his table. He was too short and too thin, spooked, patting the sweat from his brow with a rag that smelled human and filthy. “Sir-?” He began, just like before, and Atredius found it a ridiculous word. There wasn’t a soul in this hovel that could pay to be called more than ‘it’ or ‘you’. Miraid was such a desperate little hellhole.
The redhead didn’t answer, anyway. There was a pause, like the other might protest, but he was quick to drop the subject. He wondered what it was, that actually intimidated the keeper. Atre’ had never been an impressive man.
He really was crazy, wasn’t he?
Maybe he’d try that drink, afterall.
2am Atre-drabble. Pay it no mind. XD
Okay. I officially declare January of 06 my month from hell for this year. It’s like someone planted a bomb beneath me at the end of December and the whole world went ‘splody for a time. My computer/internet problems have come to a sort-of conclusion, however, so at the very least I’m BACK ONLINE and my BROWSERS WORK-although my server is still down.
Michael (bro) ended up taking apart his entire computer and upgrading it. Said it had to be done anyway, so now that’s one killer machine. We got a copy of Firefox and Explorer from Sterling and reloaded it onto my mother’s comp, which is where I work most of the time. The router trouble has been eliminated. My poor baby Imac is as dead as dead gets, but what’s this-?
SS’s father is getting me a computer sometime in February, I think. I had a heart attack. I’m still having one. And I fangirled at her awhile, yes. Can anyone say ‘OMFG’ with me? Yes. OMFG.
O M F G.
She also got me out of that asshat problem of mine with the stupid 8th District Judicial Attorney’s office. Seriously, I owe my sanity to her at the moment. SS you are ABSOLUTELY INSANE but I love you so much. Thank you.
Tomorrow I’m posting up my overdue R37 for Dgirl at the PE, my ‘return’ topic, and some artwork to Deviantart. LCM love, you’ve still got to get me a description of what you want drawn for your commission! Genki and Virage’s commissions will be going up as well, and then those are done for January. I have two commissions to complete in February as well, but they’re already nearly finished and I’ll be stopping after that. I wanna catch up with some gift art and really pour myself into endeavors at the PE… I feel like I’m neglecting one of my favorite clubs, problems or not, and that just bothers me.
Now. About my MOTHER. X_x
You all saw my ‘OMFGWHUTZOMGZWTFZOMFG’ post. Well, we took her to the doctor and the doctor told me they couldn’t say anything conclusive until they ran a few tests. They took an EKG and asked her more questions than I remember counting, and there was talk of something called a ‘Silent MI’ and then MORE talk of this one incredibly long word that I can’t pronounce or spell. I’ve mentioned in a previous journal entry that my mother has a very rare heart condition, which is BASICALLY described as the electrical signals between the heart and the brain… malfunctioning? Short-circuiting? It’s what was giving her really bad dizzy spells a few years back, and is extremely aggravated by stress.
Giant Fight with MOTHERFUCKINGSATAN(grandmother) = Stress.
And please let me note that my mother handles stress better than anyone I know.
They want to send her up to RMHA (Rocky Mountain Heart Association?) for further tests. That’s where she had a tilt-table test done a few years back, and apparently there is a specialist there that saw her last time. I, personally, would rather she go to Debora… but that’s all the way out in the New Jersey/New York area. We’re in Colorado.
Argh I dislike Colorado. /random
Either way, she’s supposed to wear a heart monitor for another week or so and come in for a follow-up appointment thereafter.
Maybe Conclusion #1: No heart attack (?) Yay?
Maybe Conclusion #2: Serious secondary condition returns (?) WTF?
X_X Will someone please just give me a straight answer?
On another subject entirely: Why the hell is community service so hard to DO!? I’m ready and willing! I need at least 30 hours! I’m contacting all you crazy non-profit groups, you tell me you have tons of work, and then you never call me back! How am I supposed to qualify for food stamps if you WONT LET ME WORK FOR THEM!?
Also: Dad is going to have gastric-bypass surgery done. I… think that’s what it’s called. Isn’t that really dangerous? X_X He says the kind he’s having done is reversible, but the idea scares me.
I am so ready for this month to die and burn in hell.
On another hand, Feb is shaping up to be a really awesome month.
Sigh. Lol. I love you guys. I'm sorry I went all *EXPLODES ON LIFE* about a week back. I was very worried about my mother and very overwhelmed by all the fighting going on, and financial issues were just making me want to kill someone dead. I'm alright, I vented, and now I'm back to normal.
1st order of business?
>.> *Gathers tools of almighty cleanliness and goes on a rampage with paper towels*