Been a bit of a busy week since last post. Firstly I managed to break down in the fast lane of the A40 on the way home from work (traffic wasn't going fast when it happened and it certainly wasn't afterwards) Called the police and the AA who both told me in no uncertain terms to stay on the central reservation and not go back to the car. Now, I suspected that the car engiine had just flooded in the jam and was fully intending to sneak back and try starting the car after 15 minutes or so but then I saw 2 people nearly hit my car, despite the practical standstill and changed my mind. This meant that when the AA man turned up (never saw the police, had to ring afterwards to tell them not to bother cause everything was now OK), he just reached into the car and started it. Lots of people stopped to offer help, either to get someone or to help push the car out of the way (which i might have accepted before the nearly getting hit thing!) which kind of restored my faith in human nature a bit.
The Isis session was great fun, the mini morris band practice went well beforehand and there were lots of tunes that I could play or get the skeleton of and a Mr Spiers turned up and played 'If You Will Not Have Me' which I love and must learn to play.
Got back to the car to find that some bugger had pried open my petrol flap and the cap was lying on the floor. Started the engine to find no fuel missing so my next thought was 'what did they put in', but it all seems OK. Even the petrol flap still locks (although I now have absolutley no faith in it) so I suppose they must have been disturbed or were hoping for diesel (they should have tried earlier in the week!) At least it made up the 3rd thing to go wrong with the car.
Newbury County Show was good fun. Armaleggan only had to do one 1/2 hour slot in the morning which went pretty well and then we went for a wander round the (absolutely huge) ground. Going past the animals while still in kit was a bit like 'The Omen'. One of the llamas kept hiding behind other llamas to watch us until it realised the other llama had moved then it had to go and find another llama to go and hide behind to watch us again. The hounds all gathered at the back of their cage to watch us suspiciously, sounding every so often. The beagles went nuts and swarmed to the front of the cage barking like mad. Entertaining day all round even if it was absolutely boiling
Thoroughly enjoyed the Mortimer's practice on the Sunday. Everyone seems very nice and the dancing is doable and fun (although I'm very glad the knee brace arrived in time. I had a very hot knee but no pain) and the music is ace. Am definitely going to go back. I reckon I can do roughly fortnightly practice.
No rapper this week due to various ill Mabels but, on the up-side, I have made a start on tidying the room. Am also desperately trying to re-learn the Mons Meg dances for Otley this weekend.
T'is all go.