(no subject)

Apr 24, 2009 06:55

A representative from Royal Crest Dairy stopped by yesterday afternoon and gave us his pitch for paying five dollars for a gallon of milk. The first one is always free, right, so he gave us a half gallon, complimentary-like.

He says that his dairy's milk tastes better and is healthier than store-bought milk, on account of too much pasteurization and travel time involved with the latter. Royal Crest milk comes from local dairies, and milk from Wal-Mart comes from God only knows where.

I can't deny that it tastes better for some reason. We took half a gallon of nonfat milk, and even so it tasted ... creamier than I'm used to. But can it really be healthier? I don't know where to begin to research the veracity of his claims, but I -am- a little tempted to start paying twice as much for milk.


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