That's some fine police work there, Lou.

Dec 03, 2007 02:42

I had taken an inadvertent nap earlier this evening, and woke up around half past midnight. I'd intended to run out and grab a burger or something earlier, but the latest anyone stays open around here is midnight. The most notable exception to that rule is the new Uber Walmart that opened in Lafayette, just south of Arapahoe on 287. I was craving a hot meal something fierce, and was in no mood to cook at all, but hell with it - we needed some groceries anyway.

Getting groceries at one-something in the morning at a Walmart, even a brand new one, is an interesting experience. Most of the humans present (and I use the term very broadly) are working there, restocking shelves and being surly to each other. In one of the aisles I noticed a cop, but then again I always notice cops. Maybe because it's easy to look good in a uniform, or maybe I have a guilty conscience (about what, I couldn't say).

Anyway, I checked out and noticed that his SUV was parked next to my car. Because I am a nosy individual, I eyeballed the truck as I was (slowly, very slowly) loading groceries into my trunk. I could hear radio chatter from inside the cab, and could see the LCD screen of his computer was on and scrolling information. I could have probably looked closer at it, but I wasn't feeling that nosy. His speed detector was mounted on the dash, and was also on. I couldn't tell at that distance if it was radar or laser, but it looked pretty fancy. The cab had other items too, but it was dark and I was trying to not be too terribly obvious about my inspection. The most amusing (and distressing) thing about this tableau was that the cop's driver's side rear window was rolled open about halfway. It would have been easy to reach in there and grab any old thing.

I was about to inspect closer to see if the cop had been careless enough to leave something dangerous unsecured in the truck - a firearm or less-lethal weapon or anything else that would get him in trouble. Glad I didn't snoop too much more, because the cop came out of the store about then, carrying a single Walmart bag. I nodded at him, and he nodded back, and got in his truck and drove off in a real hurry. What he didn't do was unlock his driver side door - it must have been unlocked the whole time too. I didn't catch his name. I remember paying attention to his licence plate as he drove off, but I couldn't tell you what it was now. I was really too busy pondering just what the hell this Keystone Cop was thinking when he left his whole world unsecured in a Walmart parking lot at one in the morning.

Pulling out of the Walmart lot, I noticed two more Lafayette police cars, both just regular cruisers, and both quietly turning into the shopping center across 287 on Diamond Circle. Lafayette is not such a big town - how many cops could they have roaming around at such a quiet time of the evening?

When I got home, I made myself a double cheeseburger, the one I wanted when I left the house in the first place. A bacon double cheeseburger, in fact. I dedicated it to the City of Lafayette police force, and ate with gusto.

food, funny, local life

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