(no subject)

Jul 04, 2006 18:26

Yesterday we were trying to explain Independence Day to Ciaran. He turned three about a month ago, and he understands about birthdays. We've just gone through a rash of them in our family. So we told him that Independence Day was "our nation's birthday," and that we celebrated with fireworks and barbecue. Surprisingly enough, he seemed to get that, though I can't imagine that he understands what a nation is.

We just had the barbecue piece of the holiday, and Ciaran was very excited.

"Daddy, next we have cake for Independence Day!"

"... what? Cake?"

"It's a birthday!"

"Er ... no, um. We don't do cake on Independence Day. People eat cake for their birthdays, and nations eat fireworks. You blow up fireworks on the ground and the nation ... eats it."

"Oh. ... Okay! I eat fireworks too!"

If you're wondering, that's about the time Meredith kicked me under the table.

holidays, family

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