Regrets are better left unspoken, but for all I know this void may grow...

Nov 03, 2008 14:58

Everyone's so fake, I can't even take it anymore. You'd think that once you get to college things change, but they never do. There will always be people in this world who are so self-absorbed, judgemental, and down-right vain that they simply cannot see past themselves. They think that everyone should be exactly like them. Everyone should dress like them, speak like them, and behave like them. They should listen to the same music, like the same movies, and have the same outlook on life. Anyone who diffes from them in any of these respects gets deemed worthless. These people usually elevate themselves to a God-like status, with the rest of the world being demoted to minions. There are a few exceptions to this rule, who are equally shallow and fake as said subjects. You live in the real world long enough and you start to see these things more and more.

It drives me crazy.

I don't know how to live in this world if these are the choices. I'm so sick of all the bullshit. People throwing around blame like daggers, all trying to make themselves look better at the expense of others. TAKE A LOOK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR. Life is too short for this crap. I don't care what the issues are, or who you have them with. Shut the fuck up about it and just deal. Lose the attitudes, stop being immature, GROW UP already. If you have a problem with someone else, either talk to them about it or get the fuck over it. I don't wanna hear about it any more, and I don't want to deal with it in my own life either. There are more important things than grudges, anger, animosity and resentment. People would do best to learn that before graduating college and having to live in a world thats filled with it. A taste of your own medicine might leave you dead one day. Think about that.

People are inherently selfish. They just are. I don't care if they are your friend, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever. They will most likely fuck you over. There's a good chance they will ditch you, talk about you, cheat on you, lie to you, backstab you, whatever. It's life, and that's what people do. We've all had it done to us before, and we've all done it too. If you say you haven't, you're either A) lieing or B)One of the fuckbags mentioned in the first paragraph of this rant. So when you get lucky enough to find someone, whoever they are, that WON'T fuck you over, make sure not to let that person go. Because let's face it, there are two kinds of friends. The kind that you can trust with anything, and the kind that you pretend to trust but know you never can. Most people fall into the second category, but the few that don't are the only people worth keeping around.

Most people have these lines drawn pretty clear. So while we all may be fake on the outside and pretend things are one way, when it somes down to it,the truth is crystal clear. I know mine is.
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