I'd rather have the truth than something insincere...

Apr 14, 2008 01:41

There's nothing I hate more than fake people. And yea, everybody says that, but I actually mean it. I'm not a fan of being unnecessarily mean to someone either, but there's absolutely no reason not to tell someone how you feel. There's a difference between being honest and being mean. A huge one. People need to learn to figure it out. Have some tact.

It's almost physically impossible for me to lie about what I think. Even if I tried to, it would show. I'm way too sensitive and I know it. But I won't apologize for that. If someone does something that upsets me I'm gonna fucking tell them. Obviously things get blown out of proportion, people misinterpret things and its more than likely that I took something too personally. I know myself better than anyone. I know what I am just as much as I know what I'm not. And I'm okay with that. I'm not going to pretend I'm right about everything when I'm obviously not, but at the same time I'm not going to pretend soemthing doesn't bother me when it clearly does.

I fucking hate that people sugar-coat things and act like they have no opinions when they do. And that no one wants to admit when they've done something wrong. I have absolutely no respect for that shit. I've said and done so many things I'm not proud of. I feel things way too much and I get crazy about them. I can't help that, its just who I am and I won't change for anyone. At least I can admit when I'm wrong. If I have an opinion, I'm gonna say it. I'm going to respect you and I'm going to have tact, but I'm going to say exactly what I think and I'm not gonna care if you don't like it.

Now that this has been established, let me just say that it pisses me off to no avail when people say and do things and then act like they haven't. Don't come up to me and make a pointed comment about my friends and/or myself, and then act like it wasn't even said. If you're going to point fingers and make accusations, have the common sense to back it up with actual fact. And realize that things work both ways. Don't expect anyone to reach out to you if you aren't willing to reach back. Think about it. Use some common sense. There's only so many times people are going to try to be your friend before they decide its not worth it. If every time you tried to talk to someone, they acted completely uninterested and cleary harbored unjustified animosity, would you continue torturing yourself by even trying? Live and let live, but don't pass judgement about a situation if you aren't even going to confront the people it involves. I realize the situation doesn't concern myself directly, but I am personally offended and find it incredibly annoying when people throw empty accusations around without even stopping to consider the other side. If you have a problem with someone, be mature about it. Don't make comments to me. Talk to them about it, explain yourself, and be prepared to hear the sitation form the other side. The end. I seriously don't want to hear about it anymore.
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