I love to drive. Two years away and I can say I miss spending all day in the car with the radio and the miles under the tires and my mind wandering where it will. I don't get to spend near enough time behind the wheel anymore.
What brings this on you ask? I drove to Des Moines yesterday for Icon- it's a small little one day comic convention. It was a beautiful day to drive, sunny and not windy and I love the speed of the interstate and since it was a Saturday, the traffic was not too bad. (I80 can be wall to wall tractor/trailers and RV's during the week, very slow moving and since the road from here to Des Moines is rumpled like the bedsheets after a restless night, no consistent speed outta them things.)
Anyway, the drive was grand, my mind wandered and thought fic-y things and poetry things and just in general relaxing things. I listened to some new music and some old music (Kane Live in London, gods I love that album, their banter and the music and the memories of first finding fandom and yeah, it's good *happy sigh*) and can I just repeat what a lovely time I had? lol It made me wanna plan time to just drive. Just spend an hour or two in the car going nowhere in particular. I know it doesn't make economical sense or really, any sense, but I want it.
The convention was good as well. I blew through my tiny budget fairly quick, but I got some great books for excellent prices. I got Teen Titans v1 #30 in very good condition for only $2 and Green Lantern/Green Arrow #90-#99 for $2-$3 each. Those are my big win purchases, since it's hard to find those in good condition for such low damn prices. Those GL/GA especially, at the bigger cons they can go for $50 and up.
It made me all excited for PlanetComicon KC in march. I'm planning on doing the whole weekend, Friday-sunday, drive down thrusday and home sunday. Maybe this time I'll actually see some of Kansas City beyond what is visible outside my hotel window. I doubt it, but it's nice to pay lip service to not being a total fanboy. :D
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