I swear it's been a week of mondays. Tho monday itself wasn't so bad, the rest of the week has been that low grade fucked-up that leads to annoyance and frustration. The weather hasn't helped any either. We've had thunderstorms (yay!) hail (boo!) snow (double freaking boo!) and gloomy coldness for days. It's certainly a slow start to spring.
And sleep! Good gods do I miss sleep. I'm getting close to being willing to kill to stay asleep for more than a couple hours at a time. The only saving grace is I don't work all day like I used to so I can veg on the couch in the afternoon and sort get rest. I'm thinking of taking a muscle relaxer tonight- I don't have to do anything tomorrow morning- in the hopes that it will knock my ass out for 8-10 hours. I do hate the groggy feeling it leaves me with tho.
I've been meaning all week to get a con report done with pictures and everything, but my computer has been being all bitchy and now it's not working right at all. I was already down to my old linux laptop (the motherboard in the desktop went out last year and it was on the replace list and dropped off to never after the layoff) I'm probably going to have to reformat the laptop. I won't lose anything (I don't back-up on it since it was only ever an experimental machine with problems it's whole life. Shit the laptop was new when windows xp was new and it was a bargain basement machine then) So, whoa is me, I'm down to my old netbook that I'd been backing up my desktop on. *frowns* The screen is tiny.
So, yeah, that's a lot of whingeing about my first world problems now ain't it? Without the internet tho, I've caught up on all my dvr'd tv and been working my way through a huge stack of back issue comics. Apparently I spend a lot of time online. I wonder what I do there? lol
Oh, on top of my tech whoas, the males of my life have been a pain. The Boy said something that The Man totally overreacted to (imo anyhow) and they've both been in a snit for two days. I am seriously tired of being interpreter and peace-keeper between the two of them. It doesn't happen all that often but when it does it totally wrecks any harmony.
But hey, on the upside, work is going well! How often in the past have I been able to say that? I'm learning new things, and getting along with every one well. That was one of my worries actually, that I'd not get on with people, not having spent any significant time with the same group of people in a work environment in some time. Tho, I don't have much in common with the females I work with so that makes conversations a bit awkward (and my little office is all female except the manager and my gender queer ass, which is a whole nother post about how difficult it is to be out to a new group of people and I don't want to explain myself and I sure as shit don't want the strange looks and all that crap so it's both easier and harder). I get on well with my boss tho and that's most important. He was actually a regular customer of the comic shop til his second child was born. So we can connect on shared ground that way.
Mostly I just work, there's a hell of a lot of work that goes into pricing and advertising at a grocery store. I need to get good at all of it I can as soon as I can so I can try to move into a full-time position. I hate money being so tight. I hate that stress so much. It colors everything every day.
Anyway, that's enough bitching and crap. I will get a con post up this weekend. I just need to borrow a computer with a big enough screen and a mouse so I can get the pictures cleaned up and all that crap. (I don't like coding on a tiny screen and damn, do I need a mouse to do nearly anything)
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